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View Full Version : Employers!--Seeking Pilots?

19th May 2005, 06:09
To all the employers out there!
As you may or may not have noticed FindaPilot.ca is undergoing a major advertising campaign with PPRUNE to help us promote employers to post their job vacancies with us FOR FREE. (Thanks PPRUNE. :ok: )

It's our job to help find our pilots get the exposure, and employment they need on an on going basis.
If you haven't heard of us, please visit our site, http://www.findapilot.ca. We are Canadian based site that is quickly becoming one of the best, and most popular resources for aviation employment in Canada/North America.

Feel free to use our services TOTALLY FREE. Screen resumes, manage job postings, etc.
We have a huge database of qualified pilots to choose from. The list goes on, and on.
Other benefits to using our site listed here (http://www.findapilot.ca/aviation-careers/employer_benefits.php)
Lets get these pilots back to work.

If anyone has any questions regarding our site please don't hesitate to ask!

23rd May 2005, 17:16
Great idea to build up such a site! ;)

Sir LandsAlot
23rd May 2005, 17:39
I checked out this site and noticed that it costs quite a bit to post your resume. I'm wondering if anybody have heard of anybody getting a job through this site...

It looks a little skechy to me.

23rd May 2005, 20:53
I know a couple of folks who have kicked tires on this site, and they are not impressed at all.

The front page of the site tells you everything you need to know -with 3 vague testimonials, and nothing about the up-front costs to join.

With the job market picking up, and most savvy aviation professionals clued in through networking and keeping the ear to the ground, not sure of its value - unless someone can tell me, they are the preferred hiring portal of choice employers out there. Doubtful methinks...

Suggest the moderator removes this blatant piece of advertising from the forums immediately, and lets any interested party click on the flashing banner.

24th May 2005, 00:29
I thought it was a brilliant idea for the furloughed pilots we have here.Since i am workin on the other side of the flt deck door, i quickly browsed it and didn't read the fine prints.

Anyway, good luck to my pilots friends who are on lay off right now.

Panama Jack
24th May 2005, 06:18
. . . . or someone can go to www.avcanada.com and also post help wanted ads . . . . for free. The good part there is that access to the help wanted ads is also free to the public. There is also the Bloor Street West website and a few others, which allows free access to both recruiter and job seeker

Have to agree with Inuksuk. Very rarely do these types of "membership required" sites provide value for their money that networking doesn't bring.