View Full Version : OMAA ATC Recruitment Boycott

12th May 2005, 17:00

Are some of you boys starting to feel the heat by pulling the plug on the previous discussion.
Truth sometimes hurts doesnt it ?

Rattus Norvegicus Maximus

13th May 2005, 10:47
And on those personal exchanges ... this thread has run its course.
What part of the above do you not understand?

PPRuNe Radar
16th May 2005, 00:36

There is no problem with discussing the issue itself. But some of you can't seem to do so without making personal slurs and accusations about others. If a post contains the former, it will stay on the board. If it slides in to the latter, then I will simply delete the post and all others the poster has made. Be a shame to waste the effort, but then a little time spent reading the site rules in the first place would have been well spent.

cat man do
17th May 2005, 14:19
Sure thing therat, should your name not be 'thefish'? Your stories seem only to try and wind people up to solicit info. Are you perhaps from .....gasp, choke.....management????

Remeber cats enjoy rats, fish and other small animals :D .

cat man do out.

17th May 2005, 19:11
The idea of a boycott is laughable, quite obviously a prank.

Alot of people have left AUH area centre lately, I being one of them. I don't think its constructive to badmouth a place for its faults, when it also has some notable benefits as well.

We all make a descisions on what we like and don't like about a place in reguard to heading to/staying/or leaving a locale. As long as you know the facts before you decide theres not much you can really complain about.

I've been approached by multiple ATC's asking for information about the area centre, and I've tried to remain honest and upbeat to them as best I can, keeping in mind I left, so it wasn't right for me at this time. So Serco is actively trying to recruit theres no doubt about that, but I don't relish the idea of being a recruiter there at this time.

gl clive

17th May 2005, 23:58
It never ceases to amaze me how people (read; managers) want to shoot the messenger rather than address the message.

Well, after the resignation of PG, you would think the message was loud and clear? How many more have to go? There aren't that many left. Certainly, prospective applicants are asking questions .
The GCAA have made their big gamble, and a few of us are realising where that is going to end. You get what you pay for.

The sad thing is; it didn't have to be this way. Just wait until the airlines start to realise what their delays are about! Then there will be some 'messenger shooting'.

Therat; can you quote me for some sweat bands- might need them soon.:hmm:

18th May 2005, 00:03
Great login mate, the RAAF Mirages used it as a callsign as well.... ;)

However comma to badmouth a place, or to perhaps give another perspective to an institution is what PPrune is all about.

The advantages offered by the odd badmouth, retort or credibility check offerd by Prooners has been nothing but a godsend to the industry and should be encouraged, especially in an environment where freedom of speach is very limited. And if you did work here then you know what I am talking about.

therat your posts have become a little more constructive and pertinent.....have you sobered up after a bender!???

18th May 2005, 01:09
Oooooh kay then....by returning a post at this time of the morning you have boxed yourself in the corner we gotcha now "Ya doighty wat!"

Little confused though, the amazing quote you....quoted...exactly what does it have to do with me. Are you aware of the APA (American Psychological Association) criteria for documenting quotes, it is the worldwide academic standard for presenting other authors work PM me and I will give you the website, assuming you will have access to the web on the whale watch expeditions?????

Yippee Ki Yi Yay!


P.s Some research on therat

Rattus norvegicus is a rather large member of the mouse family. On average, these rats reach nearly 400 mm nose-to-tail, and weigh 140 to 500 g. Males are usually larger than females. In natural populations, these rats are covered with coarse, brownish fur (sometimes splotched with black or white hairs) on their dorsal surface, which usually lightens to a gray or tan color nearing the underside. Various strains of these rats bred in captivity may be white, brown, or black. The ears and tail are bald. The length of the tail is shorter than the length of the body. Molars are lophodont and the dentary is 1/1-0/0-0/0-3/3. The ears of Norway rats are typically shorter than those of related species, and do not cover up the eyes when pulled down. Norway rats can be easily mistaken for black rats, however, the temporal ridges of the Norway rat are straight, whereas those of the black rat are curved.

18th May 2005, 01:42
Now weez wheally gotcha Doight Wat!

cat man do
18th May 2005, 12:03
I'm in for a large foamy one ratman, no doubt you will be buying?

Now, I don't want to get caught in between the rat and the fox, threesomes never really my thing.

Hey foxy, are you still in the hunt or have we caught the dirty weezel?

Enjoy the beer ya doighty wat.

Still surveying :ooh:

18th May 2005, 16:30
I tawt I taw a puddy tat!


19th May 2005, 12:06
moan moan moan!

If you don't like it, move to Muscat! Better pay, better lifestyle, better working conditions etc etc

At least that is what I am reliably informed?:ok:

19th May 2005, 12:14
You really know how to kick a bloke when he is down.....


19th May 2005, 23:25
Unless you've just come from Muscat, I would be assuming that it isn't an option.

The Malaysians work for a lot less pay I hear.

20th May 2005, 20:49
Well well well.....can't keep a good rat underground eh?

5 years of French and I can't even spell......Baget...see told you!

Now if I'm not mistaken your wonderful mix of the pure form of French proverbs translates to something like....

My foot is in my mouth, I have no job!

Ok, maybe not...:E

How about:

Adapt and survive

Ho hum, next proverb please...


20th May 2005, 22:39
ANSA- so what does that make you; an underpaid monkey? Think before you post. We are irrelevant. The owners of the train set are not Serco, nor are they Danish.
Therein lies the answer. Aim your guns there.

Why beat about the bush? Everyone is treading water until the inevitable. Abu Dhabi is facing an incredibly serious situation. The units nearby are about to launch massive recruitment drives, as are the traditional sources of controllers for the region. It's axiomatic; there will be a bloodbath. AUHACC cannot staff the roster NOW , let alone in 12 months time (or when jebel ali airport opens, or when etc. etc.). What is happening? NERO fiddles. Whilst some will pay lip service to "addressing the situation" (Malaysians etc:hmm: ), the truth is 'pear shaped'. The resignations mount.
Getting ready for the SATI describing the relevent 'pear shape'!! Or: Would the CARs suddenly become significant- they have been so 'open to interpretation' up to now? Wishful thinking, I guess, since the LAWS of the country have never actually been enforced? Another story.....

Despot: you are obviously not aware of changes in regional opportunities! PM me if interested! (there is an orderly queue).

Yet again- it didn't have to be this way!

Rat; your heart is in the right place. Keep nibbling. You wouldn't believe the world-wide audience you command...or would you?

21st May 2005, 06:05
"It doesn't matter if it works or not, we just need to be seen to be trying to make it work"


21st May 2005, 12:41
So one of you hackers out there managed to wipe out all my posts !! You d*f3@@3%$wit !

Guess what? - it aint gonna keep my trap shut .
Abu Dhabi ACC Stazi I presume , lurking in an office near you. Watch your backs boys! This place seems to have sunk to the lowest of lows.

I also reliably learned that our colleages from KL are to pass the grade , regardless of ability. Imagine the managerial f3ckup if they dont.


21st May 2005, 13:25
Guess you may have been moderated

But hey, don't you feel so bad, we feel like plonkers as it appears that we have been talking to oursleves!!!!!!!!!


PPRuNe Radar
21st May 2005, 13:35
No posts deleted by me. I'll see if one of the Big Brothers has, but would be surprised if they have since the offending posts are not in the secret lair where we keep such things when they are moved/deleted for editorial reasons.

Be aware that PCs owned by organisations and agencies may save your data and keystrokes. Thus, if you use one to post on PPRuNe, then you run the risk of management getting some geek to obtain your details and what you have done online. This can be applied equally to all our users throughout the world of course.

If alternatively you think PPRuNe has been hacked because you are using a home PC, please let us know and we will take the highest possible action we can if we find any evidence.

Another alternative is that post starter can delete a thread, resulting in the lost of not only that posters contributions, but those of all others on the same thread.

We need some more clues here to look further in to this allegation.

cat man do
21st May 2005, 17:43
Hey Rat, stay in the sewer, you are now spewing a lot of twot!

Before u dissappear don't forget my beers.

Missing you already :{

21st May 2005, 20:29
Thx PPRadar , but the problem turned out to be in my own backyard. Let's just say a confidante was getting 'nervous' 'bout me big mouth. I will leave it there. I do appreaciate the care taken by the PPRune Powers to protect their subjects.:ok:

I must also apologize to the ACC Stazi. I know you are watching , but you were not the said culprits this time, you twats.

Lets get this right mate - you are buying!
La nuit, tous les chats sont gris ! :hmm:


21st May 2005, 21:17
What the...?????

"The night, all the cats are gray"

What the heck is that spos'd ta mean?????

Bit Krip-Tik....


21st May 2005, 21:56
My French is not what it use to be !
Kriptic , maybe - meant to say - At night , all cats turn gray!


cat man do
22nd May 2005, 04:34
It might be a case of less exposure to the dialect?

Still surveying from high up here.

Cat out.:zzz:

22nd May 2005, 08:11
Either that or my " French for beginners" CD is a bit scratched.:cool: Keep fishing.
So what about the rumour that the KL boys have to pass , regardless?

22nd May 2005, 12:06
"La nuit, tous les chats sont gris"

In France we would not say it like that.

A loose translatation is "when the lights are off all ladies look the same".

Bonne chance, mes copains

22nd May 2005, 13:30
Merci beaucoup , Vercingetorix.
Nous vous sommes extremement reconnaissants !:ok:

Un rat sauvage

Hope I didnt screw that up...?

22nd May 2005, 15:53
A fair bit of thread-drift here.

Oh, and the Vercingetorix actually resisted his Ceasar.:rolleyes:

22nd May 2005, 16:23
Or could that have been Abraracourcix ... or should I say Vitalstatistix!:E

Good one !

Yes we are drifting - 'cause all them boys out there seem to be playing hide and seek! Most daily views ever and all sitting back ,peckpeckpeckyellowyellow~:uhoh:

22nd May 2005, 17:57

Ma petit choux choux

Mais non, c'est Asterix

a bientot

cat man do
22nd May 2005, 18:02


What was the thread again?

Red Dragon
22nd May 2005, 18:49
Is it me or is this thread turning into a load of boll@#$s, and of no interest to anyone?

Time to move on me thinks.


22nd May 2005, 19:00
Red dragon - why dont you start the ball rolling by speculating on the rumour one page up.:E


Ferris - Honey , dont pick up the soap in the shower mate. Sounds like the French prefer Asterix and not Ceasar? I couldnt figure the Ceasar bit out though ,or is it a well hidden point in history?:D

PPRuNe Radar
22nd May 2005, 22:47
This thread was a chance for the issue to be debated sensibly without all the personal mud slinging. Whilst that aspect has been eradicated, this new thread has added little if anything to the topic title. Over 50% of the posts have nothing in them except 'insider' quips.

It's had its day. Endex.