View Full Version : Over flying instrument approaches

10th May 2005, 08:33
I was looking at the Southern Chart last night planning a VFR trip, wondering where to go. I fancied a trip roung the Isle of Wight but my ideal route there involves over flying Southampton in a north south direction.

My concern is that this is not possible due to the RWY20 ILS, am I right that any airfield that has an instrument approach would be difficult to get permission to overfly "along" the ILS instead of across it at right angles? If so are there any alternative ways to cross that type of airspace in that direction?


10th May 2005, 11:21
I've been through on a number of oocassions although none have been a north /south route. I've been south to SAM and then west and returned the same way and its not been a problem. All I can suggest is that you ask, if they are busy you might have to stay outside their zone. I would guess that the higher you are , perhaps the better the chance.
An alternative, although I've not actually tried this myself, is to fly a DME arc around the zone.
you've not mentioned whether it would be a VFR or IFR zone transit. persoanlly find naviagting via the VOR a lot easier. IF you are lucky, they might vector you around.
just give it a go and hafve a back up plan in case they can't offer you a transit , say perhaps via Goodwood VOR?

10th May 2005, 11:56
A couple of years ago, I did a VFR trip through the SOU zone, North - South, on my way to a circuit of the IOW.

Called North of the zone, and was given a VFR clearance at 3000' (lower may be more of a problem) via SAM VOR and the Needles.

Overhead the SOU runway, we saw a Flybe Dash 8 getting airborne below us. He was held initially at 2000' and to the East of our track until abeam us, then cleared to climb once well ahead and pass across our intended track on his way to ORTAC.

Great service I thought!