View Full Version : NATS Reimbursement -Will They Ever?

+'ve ROC
10th May 2005, 07:47
Was at the NATS test day on 14/4/05 in Birmingham and have put in an expense claim but they've not put the money into my a/c (thats account, not aircraft!)

Its been almost a month now and it is money I can't afford to loose.

Anyone else experiencing the tight purse strings of the Gods at NATSrecruitment or have i just been overlooked?


10th May 2005, 08:41
When I had my tests back in July, I too filled in an expense form. I did not get any money back until the beginning of September. I would say if you have not heard anything by the end of May, phone hr and ask them what’s going on.

10th May 2005, 18:34
its money you cant afford to WHAT !!!!!!

This does not fill me with confidence !!!!!

I think that you have to realise that this a large organisation. You appear to be criticising before you even walk through the front door.

10th May 2005, 19:27
I don't agree with runtobarlu... get on the horn and tell them you want paying NOW.

10th May 2005, 21:06
I agree with HD. Its unacceptable that ANY company, regardless of size or market should take so long to pay back expenses. It took them almost 4 months to get my money to me.

11th May 2005, 08:19
If the tales we hear on here about HR are true, someone needs to sort them out. If any HR people read this.... just try to imagine for one minute what would be the result if the engineers and ATC people at the sharp end did their job as efficiently (?) as YOU.

+'ve ROC
11th May 2005, 09:03
What has the size of the organisation got to do with it?

Is the concept of expenses alien to them? NO. Do they have a large HR department which is supposed to deal with these matters? YES

You could understand if it was a little 2 horse operation and the claims form was lying about on a desk for weeks.

It may seem trivial, but the money they owe me is supposed to feed me during my final uni exams!

12th May 2005, 08:12
I agree, i work for a rather large organisation with over 20k staff to think about, yet they still seem to get their fingers out of there ass every month and make sure they get the expense accounts sorted. On one note though, here if you want expenses paid at the end of month you have to file your form early in the month, which is standard practice.

12th May 2005, 23:04
I also am waiting for expenses from a while back - having sent an email through the website I was heartened to see I got a "we are looking into it" mail back, but would rather have had them spend that time they spent writing the email sorting out the problem...

*shrugs* Who knows what goes on in the mind of any HR team? Surely no human being can...