View Full Version : Elstree

9th May 2005, 13:43
I have heard that Elstree is a particular difficult airfield to use - why is this so as I intend to start flying there soon.
Thanks a lot

9th May 2005, 14:50
I've been there several times, I didn't find it that hard, I think if you intend to fly circuits they have a very large circuit because of noise problems but apart from that its OK. The runway does slope, downhill if you come in from the West, something to consider. Landed there on my qualifying Xcountry bit disconcerting when the radio operator goes to lunch or the cafe or wherever he went and left me calling blind when I was lonely for the first time, still I survived got the required signature :-)

Fuji Abound
9th May 2005, 14:51
Elstree - no particular problems.

A little while ago the place got a bad press because some on here and elsewhere thought the A/G operator a little abrupt - that has all changed.

The runway is on a slope so if you have only landed on the flat before it may seem a little different.

There are no circuits and you need to be familiar with the approach and departure procedures.

All in all I have never personally found Elstree difficult to use but because of the few issues mentioned above a new(ish) PPL might have a few more things with which to deal than he is use to.

Whipping Boy's SATCO
9th May 2005, 14:55
The only other problem is that parking used to get a little tight. Be considerate towards other aircraft otherwise you may pebbledash someone's pride and joy.

9th May 2005, 15:09
thanks all for your replies.
pleased to hear the CT problems have been sorted out - heard about the rude guy before.
all the better that he has been replaced.

9th May 2005, 17:18
Elstree's my home base and I learnt to fly there, it has:

- a slightly interesting runway in terms of slope (all the better for practice)
- A very odd set of circuits (inner, middle, outer..)
- Can be extremely busy especially on a nice weekend with literally 100's of movements a day. Be prepared to master the go-around
-You'll learn to keep and eye on your wingtips when taxiing
- The FISO was still there the last I heard, you've just got to learn to deal with him.
-Close to Heathrow and Luton airspace, which will make sure you nail your nav

All in all, Elstree is a very good place to learn to fly given how busy it is and the extra layer of complexity due to noise abatement. You'll find most other fields very easy afterwards.

Capt. Vilo
9th May 2005, 18:51
After you just called the guy an "A/G operator" when he is infact a FISO, I would't cross his path .... Things like that make him so MAD !!!!
Happy flyin at Elstree..........

Fuji Abound
9th May 2005, 20:13
Oops - and if he is the gentleman I have in mind very nice he is to - nothing like the chap mentioned here before.

Interesting about the circuits - I have always been asked to make a straight in approach. I must check my Pooley's again.

9th May 2005, 22:06
At Elstree visiting aircraft are requested to fly straight in with circuit traffic giving way. Only students at Cabair and Firecrest can fly circuits. This is why visiting pilots aren't particularly aware of the odd circuits. They are deemed too complicated for visiting pilots - they change on the hour, change from left to right in the afternoon and the first turn of the left hand circuit off of 26 is to the right. A missed approach means flying outside the ATZ back to reposition for a 4 mile final.

There are two grumpy FISOs at Elstree, which includes the infamous one who is still there but is sometimes marginally more friendly than he used to be after lots of complaints, as well as some pleasant ones. It shouldn't put you off though, it's not like you have to have them round for tea after your flight. Let him shout - he is the one that will sound stupid.

In my opinion Elstree has little to commend it unless it happens to be close to where you are or where you want to go. If it is convenient for you then it's great.

10th May 2005, 13:52
I've got to agree with Drauk. Only go to Elstree if you have to.

As a functional airfield its fine, read the rules, its quite straightforward and you get to fly over Albert Square on the approach from the east.

I've never seen such a packed field for parking and the unprofessional radio dosed with heavy sarcasm does not make one want to rush back.

Fuji Abound
10th May 2005, 15:59
Drauk - thank oyu for the explanation.

18greens - yep I agree with what you say, but you are also correct it is one of the most convenient airports for London if that is where you want to go!

Personally I have not had any problems at Elstree and the welcome has been friendly but the parking is certainly congested.

I hope they dont introduce a conjestion charge thinking about it!

11th May 2005, 00:00
Anyone actually found the canal bend?

I couldnt find it at all when I was there, Dont forget to ask for PPR before you go, dont want to annoy the A/G operator even more oh...and he does think he's running the LTMA aswell.

Apart from that...dont get stuck in the mud on the grass :O and have a good trip :E

11th May 2005, 00:10
Don't look for the bend in the canal - it is there but it is hard to spot. Look instead for the Post Office car park as it is full of red PO vans, which are easy to see.

Rupert S
11th May 2005, 13:07
The canal bend is easy to spot, the problem is it's hard to know exactly which part of the canal is required. The actual VRP is about 1/3 of a mile further from the airfield than the Postal yard that that described.

11th May 2005, 19:53
Best method I've found to nail the canal bend is to follow the western edge of Watford down until you hit the sticky-outy bit that leads into Rickmansworth. Bit extreme that, though, esp. if you are coming from the W/SW.

Or you can work out the radial ('bout 135, IIRC) off Bovingdon.

I failed to spot it on one occasion last year and I would describe myself as a reasonably seasoned Elstree-ette. :rolleyes:

If you manage to find the nice, friendly people, Elstree makes a perfectly OK home field. Unfortunately, the visitors only experience the worst aspects (see above) of the place most of the time.

12th May 2005, 00:36
The canal bend is easy to spot, the problem is it's hard to know exactly which part of the canal is required.

Huh? The "bit required" is the bend. Even if the 400m between the canal bend and my suggested approximation bothers you, surely "the bend" is precise enough for you?!!!

Prospective visitors can make up their own mind which is easier to spot:


12th May 2005, 09:47
Hey Drauk, you get my vote, IS there a canal in that picture hehehe?

12th May 2005, 11:49
Don't be too hard on Miserable Mick; he is only doing his job. He is very kind to solo students. You will get on fine with him as long as you do exactly what he says "Whiskey Lima....are you going to get a move on!! you're holding everyone else up BREAK BREAK... " etc. :}

12th May 2005, 12:37
Heard numerous times whilst said aircraft is airbourne "G- ABCD I did not clear you for that...., report to the tower on landing"

Perhaps a refresher course on the powers of a FISO? :E
I must learn not to be so hard on him, he is controlling all Luton and Heathrow arrivals as well as Elstree...or that's what I have been led to believe.