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View Full Version : The path to Corporate Aviation

27th Apr 2005, 02:46
Thank you one, thank you all for having the opportunity in this industry to ask freely and obtain advice from those more experienced than others.

My question is: What are the steps in entering the Corporate aviation sector? What are the hour requirements? Do we need endoresements?

I have 1000hrs total, little multi and an opportunity perhaps to get Co-pilot Metro time in the coming months. Will this time help me as it is not command?

Secondly I am in Australia, where the Corporate thing is small. I have priced getting a JAA/ FAA but without a US passport or ($45000 AUD) enough money to get the JAA what are the options? Am I right in saying Asia? If I am will I need to get a FAA licence to fly the jets in Asia as they are registered N_ _ _ _ _?

Money doesnt really seem a problem as I have inheritance from my mothers recent death, and I want to make this dream a reality. Any advice please?

What should be my goals for present, 2 years and 5?

Thank you in advance