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cleared to fl370
11th Apr 2005, 02:34
April 1, 2005..
Certainly a sad, sad day.

First off to the pilots and rampies at Skyward, I'm very sorry to hear that you guys are out of work. We can say what we like about the company, but the tragedy of it all is that there are more pilots out on the street. Hang in their guys I'm sure something will work out for you in the future.

Kudo's to Perimeter to give some ex K9 guys preferential hiring, a very classy move on their part.

In the late 90's there were few companies out there where a guy/gal could go from swamping to Captain on a turbine twin in 2 or 2 1/2 years. There was certainly alot of room to move up. I worked there when KO was DFO and GM was just starting as CP. Both guys looked after the pilots KO was always a friendly and easily approachable person, a great pleasure to work with. GM always was there backing up the pilots, a rarety in the business these days. Both had the most thankless job imaginable "Middle Management." Both took care of the pilot group but also seperate "The wheat from the chaff" when needed.

I can say my time with K9, looked great on a resume. Arctic time, offstrip work and the like. My next employer even commented to me during the interview that it stood out in a pile of resumes. Sure the company had its faults, every company does. I couldn't comment about Skyward as of late or the removal of the AMO, OC but I would say Skyward shouldn't be the only one.

Perhaps a credit to the company and the type of flying it did, many Skyward Allumnists are now working for: Air Canada (Mainline) Air Canada Jazz, Morninstar Air Express, Cathay Pacific, Emirates, West Jet and Jet Blue. Many, many Allumnists are now flying Medium or Heavy Jets including myself.

There were good times and bad, alot of great memories working with other pilots with similar goals, and lots of great friends. A logbook full of great time and picture albums full of wonderful memories. Best wishes to GM for doing your very best to always "back" your pilots and for looking out for them, you've always been the best.

For all that it was here's to ex-Skyward employees and allumnists everywhere,
Best wishes to all.....

16th Apr 2005, 19:33
Well it,s to bad for Skyward and the crew.Alot of careers where made there and ended there.I will applause the first nations for there contribution to aviation in Canada and becoming a stronger and more influential player in the industry.Keeping the money in the family is good business all around.
As far as Skyward is concerned to big to fast and lost control is my guess.My humble opinion.

17th Apr 2005, 15:46
A sad day indeed. Before looking at the "main lines", Skyward was one of the places that was on the hot list.

Hope all of those find other opportunities sooner rather than later...I think a combo of mis-management and wayward growth aspiration probably did the damage...