View Full Version : BA664 LHR-LCA

8th Apr 2005, 22:27

If you fly this on the Tuesday, Friday or Saturday run it is the overnight jobby, which seems pretty daunting, do you get an overnight stay or do you have to fly her back?

Long days, always hear GB pilots moaning about the LGW-PFO route............



spoilers yellow
9th Apr 2005, 17:02
Depends on the day of the week,they all have at least one clear day off, some have up to 56 hrs off before leaving early in the morning back to lhr, but they definately don't come straight home again.

The a/c arrives early hours in LCA and leaves early in the morning a few hours later with a crew that have had a day or two slipping in LCA.

21st Apr 2005, 20:43
Hi, thanks.

So does that mean the GB pilots do in fact fly the return straight back from PFO, even though BA pilots don't?

I saw a post on here a while back between BA vs GB pilots, GB pilots said something like,

"You want to try LGW-PFO-LGW in one day, then you'd realize how well off you are"

Or words to that effect



21st Apr 2005, 22:02
LGW-PFO-LGW? Pah!! Try LGW-SSH-LGW or LGW-LXR-LGW, now that's a long day out. Actually LCA is further too....and TLV. What are you on about?

spoilers yellow
22nd Apr 2005, 09:35
Gb pilots i believe do do a there and back. I agree that a day off in LCA is quite enjoyable, especially in the summer.
However, although I'm not saying we couldn't do a there and back LCA, with the rpt time, extra taxi, block, flight, 767 turnaround times etc a LCA and back from LHR with current dep times would not leave any margin for delays ets.:D

22nd Apr 2005, 11:39

I'm not on about anything, I was merely attempting to ascertain who (BA/GB) did the returns from such further destinations using the same crew.............

Jeeze, that's all.

Thanks Spoilers Yellow, but, would it not be prudent to use the same crew in order to remove the constraints taken up that you describe?

Jet A1
22nd Apr 2005, 12:17
Well GB pilots are off to Sharm El Sheik (3x weekly) and Hurghada (2x weekly) from this winter -- There and Back ! So good old PFO now becomes a quickie !