View Full Version : References and College start dates?

2nd Apr 2005, 21:51

I have recently been accepted onto the NATS training and today received a letter asking me to book a medical and also to provide references of my current employer.

I am quite happy for them to get references but since I have read many times on this site that the wait to start at the college can be months (and months), I dont really want my current employer knowing I'm going to leave until I know when this will be!!

Has anyone else had this same problem? Will NATS wait until nearer the time you start the college before they contact your employers?

Also, is there any flexibility in the start date of the college-ie my sister is getting married in Australia in September so IF I was asked to start then, would it be too hopeful to ask for a start date later in the year?

Thanks for any advice and also thanks to everyone here who helped me get through my interviews - I couldn't have done it without you guys :)

3rd Apr 2005, 15:24

Well done in getting in.

They will go for your references as soon as you provide them the information, though they should respond to any request to "hold off".

However, a couple of people on my course were put in awkward postions, with there employers of the time, by references turning up when they had specifically asked for them not to be approached until nearer the time.

So I would keep that in mind.

Dunno about the second bit!

Take Care

4th Apr 2005, 08:40
Hi there,

I'm starting in June and only supplied my references to NATS last week. They have been asking for a while, but I had just put it off till now due to the problems already mentioned.

With regard to deferring, I had been told all through recruitment that there was no problem that and I did defer when offered a Dec 04 start at short notice. If you give them the dates that you are unavailable there should be no problem....but it is HR so who knows!!

Good luck anyway and hopefully see you in Bournemouth later in the year.

4th Apr 2005, 12:05
Hey lmk,

Congrats on getting in,

I got offered a June start but rang up to enquire about defering (for a whole year or more). I was told one year max. and have sent a formal letter asking for this year, so hopefully should be allocated to March / June '06, but haven't heard anything yet.

I'd just try and get through on the phone and ask them to put you on December '05 at the earliest so they don't put you on Sept. '05. Good luck.