View Full Version : BACX'S Dash 8's.

24th Mar 2005, 17:13
Just a quick question here.

Can anyone tell me if BA CitiExpress's Dash 8's have a glass, partial glass or round dial cockpit?

Many thanks!

24th Mar 2005, 17:59
I can tell you what they have got.

Crap seats and lots of noise

24th Mar 2005, 18:30

You're such a wag!

Didn't realise they were that much like a 757!

24th Mar 2005, 18:41
Think its a mixture.

2 Greens 1 Red!
24th Mar 2005, 18:46
Jafo 33

The BACX DASH-8's have partial glass cockpits. Standard steam driven ASI and ALT with a seperate TCAS/IVSI.

Hope this helps ;)

Dash-7 lover
26th Mar 2005, 21:33
GBRYI and GBRYJ also have the fuel gauges in LBS where as GBRYU/V/W/X/Y/Z/SA/SB are all in KGS..... if this helps in any way

and as for 'normal nigel'.......don't fly in them then!