View Full Version : Anal Question on the 777

19th Mar 2005, 09:26
Excuse the amateur terminology. On the top of the 777 wing there are four long narrow flaps that come up after landing, presumably to dump lift. On windy days they also work quite hard (though don't move nearly as much) on take off and landing. Now here is the odd bit. Counting from the window 1, 3 and 4 seem to move together, but 2 lags. After landing, 1, 3 and 4 are close to vertical, but 2 comes up to about 60°. Have noticed this on two different flights (might have been the same plane, but unlikely: if it was, it was the same on both wings). Is this the way it is supposed to be, and if so, why? No I wasn't scared: just an engineers curiosity and to much time staring out of the window!

19th Mar 2005, 18:20
Not sure if this is answering your question but on B777 we have 14 spoilers in total,5 outboard and 2 inboard of the flaperons on the upper surface of each wing.They are numbered from left to right, 1 through to 14.The spoilers are used as speedbrakes to increase drag AND reduce lift,both in flight and on the ground,The spoilers are also used to supplement role control. All 14 spoiler panels are used as speedbrakes,however,no's 5 & 10 are available as ground speedbrakes only ie they are locked out during cruise. The spoilers,along with the flaperons,would be working during normal high speed flight as they provide sufficient role control without the need for ailerons.They would not be required to the same extent during the take/off and landing roll. Also,just wondering whether you might be looking at the flaperons as these are located between the inboard and outboard flaps.
Hope it doesn't sound too confusing.I struggle myself sometimes and I fly the bloody things!