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18th Aug 2001, 15:05
The united front presented by the AOA has begun to fracture as infighting and bickering take hold. Sources indicate the recent 'sick out' by Cathay pilots caught the AOA committee off guard and left them in a position which they do not know how to handle.
A group of young Turks from Discovery Bay have taken matters into their own hands and staged a non sanctioned “sick out” The AOA have warned them to pull in their heads; stick to the plan and don’t antagonize the CX Management. Without further rises in subscriptions the AOA will not be able to support the “49er’s” and the prospect of more sackings fills the committee with dread.
Of equal concern is the growing numbers of pilots becoming disenchanted with the direction that the AOA is taking them. An inevitable drain of numbers after the 22nd will further dilute a weakening support amongst the rank and file. The hardliners are desperate to rally support with anxious cries for proxies.
Meanwhile the President is on leave. The absence of the General has left the 49er’s in charge and any voice of reason is lost.
The EGM will prompt a management response. There could be more sackings. The sad result of this will be to further split the AOA down the middle. The hardliners will fight to the finish and eventually disappear. The moderates will see this fight is not winnable and abandon the AOA.. Every 50 they sack weakens morale and dilutes the AOAs’ stance. Further sacking will cause more pilots to split from the ranks and that will destroy the united front.
Personally I believe the AOA committee is scared of what will happen next. Between a rock and a hard place they have to go ahead and up the industrial action to appease the 49er’s while knowing that the chances are the action will just create more waifs to support. Sitting back and waiting is not an option now. Problem is next week the dispute will be front page news again as hundreds of pilots march to the EGM. The publics’ patience with the pilots is diminishing as the days pass and once again an “in your face” demonstration.

The AOA have run out of options as the power base crumbles. The option of continuing to fight, will pour money down the drain, fracture the membership, some may lose their jobs, and run a great airline into the ground. The company has no interest in returning to the negotiating table. The new rostering system has been incorporated. The B scalers get a payrise and now the ball is in the AOAs’ court to end this fiasco.The longer they refuse the more money they waste and the more goodwill they lose from the passengers. Its up to the AOA now. Do you want to help or to hurt?


18th Aug 2001, 15:35
I know that striking is illegal, but what would actually happen, all go to jail?

18th Aug 2001, 15:41
No Jail; If they failed to turn up for a rostered flight then suspension followed by termination.

18th Aug 2001, 16:23
So knowledgable for such a new joiner full..!

If you were privvy to the information, you would see the sicknesses were distributed fairly evenly between ranks. And yes, statistically, a larger proportion of those "unfit for duty" did come from DB, this would seem reasonable enough considering a larger proportion of the crew live in DB.

And as for the sackings... now I'm not smart enough to be a CX manager or anything like that, but I reckon, if I was short of crews, and then I sacked 50 odd, which did nothing to change the resolve of the remaining (except perhaps strengthen it) then sacking more probably won't be in my best interest. :rolleyes:

18th Aug 2001, 16:28

But then again; if only half the crew are coming to work; why pay the ones that aren't? The number of flights remains the same. Is this is all about cancelling flights??

The Ghost Who Walks
18th Aug 2001, 16:48
jtr and other 'cpruners'.
stay away from this one; it is so obvious its laughable.
go back and read "management in disarray" on your own site and notice f.b. couldn't even use his own words.

18th Aug 2001, 16:51
You're right Ghost, now wheres that yes man gone???

18th Aug 2001, 16:55

Be very careful when you prophesise; a few words here and there!


Kaptin M
18th Aug 2001, 17:04
Trouble is Fool_Burner, YOU see this only as a CX dispute, whereas the pilots (oops, sorry, are we supposed to pretend that you're a pilot too?) are aware that the support for THEM runs globally. If that means financially assisting them, then so be it - I'll be among those who will send their donations to fight the cancer that is eating into what was once a good, decent, respected, respectable company.

It's a cr@p management that would actively work to destroy (overnight) the superb name that Cathay Pacific took decades to achieve, through genuine hard work and excellent employee/employer relations. When seen in context, it is the pilots, who are trying to uphold Cathay's good name vs a management who are trying to make a name for THEMSELVES!!

18th Aug 2001, 17:16
"When seen in context, it is the pilots, who are trying to uphold Cathay's good name"

When seen in context neither the pilots nor the management care about Cathay's good name except to the extent that it can fill their pockets. Give me a break. Cathay wants the pilots cheaper and you guys want Cathay to pay more (more time off; pay etc)

The public are being duped here. Don't tell me you think you are morally superior?

FB :confused:

Kaptin M
18th Aug 2001, 18:44
Do Rolls Royce or Boeing employees consider their product the equivalent of, say, Tupelov or even Mitsubishi?
Would you say, FB that the employees of the two aforementioned Coys have something to feel proud of, in THEIR product?
So likewise have the Cathay pilots been proud to present to the market a Premium product, because they were able to operate under optimum conditions.....now, THEY are fighting to maintain a STANDARD - one which has taken a couple of generations to be recognised as a world-leader.
We all know the difference between buying a watch that is "Swiss Made", for example a ROLEX, and one that is not! No-one knows better than the Chinese - ROLEX is their benchmark, when it comes to watches.

And Cathay was the "ROLEX" of Airlines - yet the current management are trying to keep the "ROLEX" face but incorporate a cheap mechanism - a copy ROLEX!
China has the opportunity to continue setting world standards in Airlines, by way of Cathay Pacific. Or it can be seen to be promoting yet another cheap copy version of the dime-a-dozen Asian/express competitors.

CX may yet be China's proof that Quality is recognised as a desirable asset, in a country where quantity is abundantly available.

18th Aug 2001, 20:11
They are fighting to maintain a standard....of living for themselves....nothing else, and nothing wrong with that whatsoever, however many other airlines..particularly one down the water in dxb..also has an extremely high standard of service, with an unquestionably professional flight deck contingent...and on "industry standard" terms..(yes it's sad that standard) but nonetheless true....if indeed an unsanctioned sickout is being conducted...then more departure are inevitable...no? Looks like some are playing right into management's hands...

Fr8t M8te
18th Aug 2001, 23:34
Hey Full Pants or whatever you call yourself.

Only one comment to make to you:


19th Aug 2001, 00:54
FB...dwindling union membership??????? it stands at 1350+ out of approx 1500..an ALL TIME record high!...rock solid..just like that critical mass between your ears!

19th Aug 2001, 01:21
Yeah Oh of course;

I see now; 1350 rock solid individuals; some of whom are taking matters in to their own hands. A glorious fight to protect the carriers good name by greeting the unsuspecting public with a charter aircraft at the gate! If you really cared about the good name then please target your recalcitrant management and not the people who put the food in your mouth.

Safe;on time and good service; that is your job!

Kaptin M
19th Aug 2001, 02:08
"Safe;on time and good service; that is your job!" - I think you're confusing them with the jiggy-jiggy girls clamouring for your business, F_B!

"A glorious fight to protect the carriers good name by greeting the unsuspecting public with a charter aircraft at the gate!" If YOU don't agree, or like being transported by a charter aircraft and crew, YOU need to voice YOUR opinion to CX management - THEY are the ones who decide these things - not the pilots.

"If you really cared about the good name then please target your recalcitrant management and not the people who put the food in your mouth."....but according to all the press reports from CX that I've seen recently, the spokespersons have said the airline is back to normal operations.
You're not suggesting they're LYING - are you?? :eek:

The Vicar
19th Aug 2001, 05:50

19th Aug 2001, 08:28
the AOA has never been more united or inspired -- which is why this is such a sorry attempt at a wind-up. I believe you will find the cx people on their own forum.


19th Aug 2001, 19:43
All Cpruners off this forum right now plse!
Do not reply to any more posts until the dispute is over.

simon chitty
19th Aug 2001, 22:08

20th Aug 2001, 11:22
not to insult CX pilots but I think a lot of you are itching to tell the world your pains.

Patience is a virtue, good luck to you all!

:D :D :D :D :D

20th Aug 2001, 12:33
With the current dispute with most pilots being the best paid and living in a"guest" country, why don't you just do the job or leave?. Managers should be able to report to the world that some of these people maybe should never work for an airline if this is there way of working and caring for the people they carry.I would say if they were not being paid or wage cuts to maybe 50% of what they have, maybe but to earn for a Captain over $1050000 HK$ is a lot of money.

21st Aug 2001, 00:56
We Pilots are in this for the long run. We have career's, not jobs. We move families and hopes and dreams to where we think and hope we will build good careers. To say, if you don't like it leave is simplistic to say the least for just that reason. Investment in the company. "Sweat Equity" if you will. Which is why there is such a back-lash against the company when they pull this kind of stunt.

I don't know how a Company working in today's Global Marketplace can keep the management practices of an Imperialistic time. Colonialism is dead. The model of WestJet,SouthWest, Continental and GE work. The results prove it.

Cathay is making beef buckets full of money now, just imagine how much they could make with a happy contented work force...


21st Aug 2001, 09:07
A quick question to CX guys before you leave.

This is not a trick question and do not answer if you feel it will harm your relationship with the AOA.

Currently, what is your number ONE objective in this situation?
Many says rostering, but many is about pay. Which is it that the AOA take priority to fight for?

Thx :D :D :D

21st Aug 2001, 16:01
At then end of the day, name calling, threats, inuendo's aside the truth is the last bastion of truly professional expat careers is sliding down the porcelain bowl into oblivion...at least they're going down kicking and screaming...it's gone from careers to jobs...like so many other places...glad I got a good one.. :) :) :)

22nd Aug 2001, 10:28
Hemorroid encrusted one you speak so eloquently... Glad you enjoy your position, all that matter's is yourself eh?

You speak of the true expat's. What of the "brotherhood" of expats working together for the common good of the profession and living standards overseas? Perhaps you have it good and wish not to rock the boat... How long until your boat is rocked for you? Hmmmm?

Without a united front I would think that you would fear that you could be next?

A point to ponder?