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View Full Version : Cessna 172 Operating Handbook - Downloadable?

Billy M
26th Feb 2005, 21:15

Is there a downloadable version of the handbook for this aircraft?

More than happy to pay for it (although free is always good!), just would prefer an electronic version.

Many thanks.

27th Feb 2005, 22:43
Think you are going to have to buy a good old fashioned paper version.

This might be interesting reading though:


28th Feb 2005, 09:22
Billy M,

As has been said here (and elsewhere) there are so many variants of C172 that you should consult the actual manual dedicated to the particular airframe that you are planning to fly. There are a number of generic books available, however, giving approximations for speeds and mass but none of these should be relied upon for actually operating any given aircraft. This applies to all mass-produced aircraft, large or small.

You could try AFE or Transair on-line in the UK for the generic books.


Billy M
5th Mar 2005, 22:08
Hi there,

Thanks to you both for the replies, much appreciated.

Billy M

Colonial Aviator
10th Mar 2005, 20:12
I've found that the generic ones from AFE to be very good for an overview and have used them for the different types that they publish them for