View Full Version : Aerobatics and Passengers

24th Feb 2005, 10:56
Question for you aerobatic types.

This is my next challenge (which might only last 30 mins if I find I don't have the stomach for it). Currently only interested in basic stuff (loops and rolls).

First question on aerobatics. Target a/c for training is a C150 aerobat.

Do I need special insurance?
Is the AOPA certificate (10 hours) worth it? What can I do with it? Or would a shorter course be more sensible.

OK, so I want to be able to do fancy stuff in the air, but I would also like to do it with passengers.

Is it legal?
Do they need special insurance?
Do you find any takers? I've noticed when I suggest it to friends and family, the room seems to empty pretty sharpish. :)


24th Feb 2005, 11:10
”First question on aerobatics. Target a/c for training is a C150 aerobat.”

I have never flown one, so I could not comment.

”Do I need special insurance?”


”Is the AOPA certificate (10 hours) worth it? What can I do with it? Or would a shorter course be more sensible.”

The AOPA Certificate is specifically designed to get you to a safe level to do basic manoeuvres. Competition aeros are approached in a different way.

OK, so I want to be able to do fancy stuff in the air, but I would also like to do it with passengers.

Yes it is Legal.

No you do not need special insurance.

I have a list a mile long, and have had no suitable a/c for a few years, but I have now!

Good luck you will have lots of fun, but you may need a few lessons to acclimatise the body.


24th Feb 2005, 12:13
I agree with everything that Rod1 says - for once:O

The AOPA cert. Personally I never bothered as I'm not much of a badge collector and knew exactly why I wanted to learn aeros.

The Aerobat is severely under-rated. It does not have the power to weight ratio of some other trainers and as it has a yoke rather than a stick it is not as instinctive but it is a fine machine to go and play in.

If when you are competent, you want to take a friend "looping and swooping", then the side by side seating makes it less daunting for friend than being strapped into the front hole.

With pax I am generally very cautious about doing too much, even with other PPLs. As my mount is tandem, I also agree a set of hand signals to be used (thumb(s) up/down) just in case the intercom goes t1ts up. I normally do an aileron roll, a loop and a stall turn and call it a day at that.

Occasionally, though you find someone with amazing tolerance...... tKf was one.

Just after Christmas, I took a girly doc from the local hospital (Cusco's gaff) up for a land-away. On the way there she asked for some aeros, we did an aileron roll, she wanted more, we did a barell roll. More!, a slow (axial) roll into a 4 pt roll. More! Loop into stall turn with 1/2 roll on the downline.

We landed at Andrewsfield, had a bite and I had a 5 minute meeting, which was the reason for the trip. "On the way back, what else can we do?" I ran through my Aresti repertoire and said it's like a la carte, chose 3 figures.

Three was clearly not enough for her and I ended up agreeing to do my display sequence at a sensible height over the farmland that her parents own. My basic 12 figure display routine (for it is very routine to me) is quite aggresive and includes an avalanche (flick-roll at the top of a loop), sharks tooth (from 160mph, inverted 45degree climb to about 85mph with a flick on the vertical downline) and a half Cuban with point rolls.

We started at 2500', 175mph and I flew the routine with the sound of her happy laughter in my ears, descended to 600' and did a fly-by. As I was climbing away, she said, "That was great let's go and do it again!". We didn't but we went off and did goldfish, 2.5 turn spins, Cubans, reverse Cubans and a wheels down tailslide. By the time we eventually landed we'd completed 35 maneouvres and she wanted more. I wanted a beer!


24th Feb 2005, 14:46
thanks Rod1

Now Stiknruda - that's my kind of female doctor :ok:

24th Feb 2005, 15:17
It's stik's type too, if she's who I think she is ;)


24th Feb 2005, 17:28
Nah! I bet he's getting to old to keep up with a woman like that! ;)


24th Feb 2005, 19:50
Yea, Stik, C'mon spill the beans.


of this gaff.

24th Feb 2005, 23:09
Cusco - just a friend, honestly! Currently on rotation at the Colman bit in the city, very underwhelmed looking after bad head injuries - very petite, Dr Lima Whisky. Great girl and she'd love Alpha Charlie.
