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Time Bomb Ted
23rd Feb 2005, 10:26
My best friend just flew back from Tokyo to Cairns on QF060 last week and was appalled by the absolute lack of service and total disregard for passenger comfort. How in blazes can it take over 2hours to get a meal (now after midnight) and nearly an hour and a half to take the meal away.

On decent into Cairns a plastic cup of orange juice was basically thrown onto the tray of his and his new wife's meal tray without even a glance at them. SHAME SHAME SHAME.

3 cabin crew for a 767 economy is ridiculous. He won't be renewing QF club membership this year.

Another of the masses leaving QF in droves. Management, please look after your front-line staff so that they can look after you.

Geoff Dixon has a lot to explain to my mate.

Cranky TBT

23rd Feb 2005, 11:04
Sad to hear...

Probably didn't help that that same crew would have been operating through CNS-SYD as well. I know it's appalling but you cannot blame the people themselves for a poor performance, even if perhaps they could have been a bit quicker. Its the fact that they are dispatched with minimum minimum minimum crew that doesn't help. Did a charter with Air Nugini a while ago and for a long flight(s) with 2 sectors (i.e long TOD) they carried several more cabin crew on the 767 then Qf does. Is there a message there? And no I am not talking about employing staff from PNG, although they were very very good from the correspondence we had with them.

23rd Feb 2005, 11:05
1.Was there any prolonged periods of turbulence during this sector.ie was the seat belt illuminated?
2.Was there a delay ex NRT?
3.Any explanation made by the CSM?
4.Normally there are 4 operators in Y/C
5.Was this operated by a QF (mainline)international crew
6.Was any apology/ information provided.
The whole thing sounds odd...very upsetting obviously but odd nevertheless.At present there is a shortage of supervisory crew as many(too many) have been forced to take leave.
It would appear that there were no supervisory crew. Indeed they would appear to have been operating short of crew period.
A very sad state of affairs for your friend...but this is Qantas management in action.

23rd Feb 2005, 17:03
My experience on QF out of London last month was the same. I don't expect much service on a 'regular fare.' However the lack of interest and rudeness of this particular crew was breathtaking. They must be trying to sabotage the company. Their jobs won't last long if they keep that performance running, because there won't be any passengers.

23rd Feb 2005, 19:50
The reason Air Niugini, SQ, TG and so on ad infinitum have more cabin crew is because they're paid less than half of what QF cabin crew are paid.

Hardly surprising GD wants to break the cabin crew union as he is finally becoming aware of the fact that many of his primary, frontline customer service staff don't really care - as evidenced by their levels of "engagement".

The easiest way to improve customer service is break the union, reduce salary levels and increase the number of FA's per aeroplane. Greater numbers of staff at the same cost.

Also, please make sure your complaint goes to the airline. The only way things will change is if enough people start to put it in writing.

23rd Feb 2005, 20:42
"breaking the union" is not a very smart tactic. Dealing with individuals is more expensive than dealing with a union. QF would prefer a complaisant union. Employees want an intelligent union that can bargain and find common ground. I'm quite sure there is deadwood in QF staff but don't try and remove it this way. As for wages and conditions, I'm sure there are creative solutions to this.

Want an example? Look at Melbourne's dock strike. Patricks went in with guard dogs and scab labour. Today the union is back in control of the port, but costs are down and container movements are double what they were. Its now internationally competitive, and the union, wages and conditions are still there. Look at Southwest Airlines as well. You don't NEED to break unions.

Furthermore, one of the reasons I liked flying on QF in the 70's was because I preferred being looked after by a safe competent Australian crew, capable of talking intelligently and politly to passengers, and not a twenty something Thai general's spoiled daughter (not meaning to pick on Thai specifically).

If it was possible to pay a relatively small premium (say $200) to turn the clock back to 1970's style QF service, then I would do it in a flash. Sadly, I don't think anyone provides this anymore.

Kaptin M
23rd Feb 2005, 21:27
The easiest way to improve customer service is break the union, reduce salary levels and increase the number of FA's per aeroplane. Greater numbers of staff at the same cost. But that's not Dixon's method, D.A. - look at Jet*....low salaries, absolute minimum staff numbers, and NO service.
Dixon is an mincing machine for staff.
His tactics are fairly unimaginative - reduce staff costs to the lowest possible levels, using the cheapest staff he can get his hands on - to try to maintain "profits".
This type of action is obviously limited, as once he's replaced as many staff as possible, this "plan of action" is finished, and it would require some ingenuity...something Dixon appears to lack.
Which is WHY he is leaving soon.

The Six Million Dollar man had only ONE plan - sell off the farm.
Mission almost accomplished, Geoff!

23rd Feb 2005, 23:37
Let's clear something up ...Qantas Cabin Crew are well paid..NOT OVERPAID..The wages are in line with what other airlines pay their crew.The reason most other carriers have a better crew/pax ratio than Qantas is simple...THEY WANT TO PROVIDE EXCELLENT SERVICE,Qantas doesn't.
I talk to a lot of other crew from other airlines and I am here to tell you we earn no more(and sometimes less) than other carriers.Wages are commensurate with the comparative cost of living in each country.Compare apples with apples please.
While we are the subject of wages lets have a look at QF management.For a work force of 35,000 there are over 700 managers receiving excessive wages for running a third rate airline.Any business is only as good as its management allows it to be.Cabin crew are small cogs in a big machine and have very little control over the basics required for a good airline.
Delays, breakdowns, an inflight entertainment that doesn't entertain.A lack of basics like: childrens packs, P/C,J/C menus,blankets pillows, dry ginger ale ,tomato juice,tabasco,headsets,enough wine.
When you are at 35,000 feet and you run out of or don't have these basics you can't go outside to the local grocer and get them.
I now make Apology PAs as soon as we level off for the stuff we don't have.What else can I do?
If someone can tell me how to make things better I would love to hear it because I have just about given up.I am so totally limited by what I can do I am driven to distraction.I JUST WANT TO DO MY JOB WELL BUT I AM NOT GIVEN THE RESOURCES!!!!

24th Feb 2005, 00:05
Leave !!! and take Surfside6 with you, give us all a break and stop your incessant whining, I for one am getting tired of your it.

Your job before departure is to check your stores, if they are short then re-order. I have seen on more than one occassion an aircraft delayed for a crew meal to be delivered, show the same consideration for the pax's and don't go until you have your full bottle of Tabasco sauce.

And I say again empty a few crew bags and you will probably have enough wine and when a pax asks for a beer and you are saving 2 cans for each of the crew at your destination, don't tell him that you have run out, and when a F/Class pax asks for another appetizer tell him that you and the rest of the crew have just finished eating them.

Get serious a lot more is seen then you imagine.

24th Feb 2005, 00:15
You make some pretty interesting accusations Socks. I would have thought that QF was a wake up to all that forty years ago and put a stop to it.

However the only way QF is going to recover decent service is for the market to punish it.

QF gets away with its activities because it hogs capacity - some one has to fly QF because there are not enough seats on competing carriers.

Open the skies and no one will fly Qantas. Punish the company and punish the investors for being stupid enough to elect the Board that appointed the CEO.

Qantas is rotten to the core. I just hope it implodes before we havea big smoking hole in the ground.

24th Feb 2005, 00:22
You delay an aircraft for aircraft stores and you can kiss your job goodbye.More often than not you reorder stores in transit and guess what ?...nil stock.

24th Feb 2005, 00:27
The company is at fault again they allow the crew to have two cans each, so why would they give them to pax's if they are going to miss out. And when the crew use some lame excuse like the economy class pax's drank all the first class wine the company accepts it. PLEASE !!!

Don Esson
24th Feb 2005, 00:31
For once I have to agree with Sunfish! With good-will on both sides, much could have been done to cure the ails that are afflict Qantas. After all, if you want to know how to fix or change a procedure or work practice, just ask the people at the coal face, not the space cadets just out of university with their newly minted degrees but without an ounce of worldly common sense or business acumen.

I have posted before that the current and immediate past Qantas 'management' is to be condemned for its lack of good sense since Qantas and TN were merged, or whatever it is called. In 1993, there were two pilot groups and two flight attendant groups. It's now 2005, and guess what? There are still two pilot groups and two F/A groups operating and working to two compleyely differenet work rules, procedures etc etc. Surely at the top of the management list was an item to sit with the unions and negotiate their way through the tomes of bull$hit so as to unite thediffering groups of common interest and at the same time deliver Qantas worthwhile savings as a result of modern work practices and so on and so forth. Jobs could have been protected, the punters would be better served and happy, and the shareholders would still have been happy, or even happie . Did these morons do this? They opted to retain the divisions between the work groups, play each off against the other, and expect themn to do a lot more with less. And when it all became too hard, they simply blew millions by setting up Australian Airlines and Jetstar to plod along in a divisive manner. I don't think that that is very smart. It would have made eminent sense to cure the ills instead of letting the patient die by a thousand cuts; I think that is what the likes of GD want as they were never able to cope with the retention of QF and the demise of TN. Why would anyone in their right senses want to resurrect an old and unimaginative business name like Australian Airlines?

That said, I recently returned Qantas J class from Hong Kong. The service was appalling, and not worthy of being described as 'premium class'. I thought that we were by mistake on an AA charter - it was as dry as chips. The FA's did not deserve to have their jobs. No point in telling people at Qantas as nothing seems to change. Yet the searvice on the way up was splendid, and couldn't be criticised. There is really something very seriously wrong in what was once a grand airline that was second to none. Shame, shame, shame!!

24th Feb 2005, 00:31
To whom it may concern ???

Well do your job and assist the next crew and check your inventory before you land so it can be ordered early, what's the point of having a cabin manager on board if they don't manage their staff.

If you don't order you want know.

24th Feb 2005, 00:31
Until recently Sunfish, I had developed a greater respect for your writing. You lost some of your "Sydney-centric" complaining and your insicive comments about unions and management were well put. You have however lost me with this one poorly framed jab:

Qantas is rotten to the core. I just hope it implodes before we havea big smoking hole in the ground.
Thats just not true, fella. Qantas has some serious problems with management and a few slack or disillusioned hosties, but generally we are all good people who are trying desparately to do our job to the best of our ability.

Comments like that one are not particularly helpful.

Time Bomb Ted
24th Feb 2005, 00:38
More details just to hand.

The aircraft left 10 minutes early and the captain thanked the pax for their speedy work.

No turbulence other than normal without too much reliance on the seat belt signs.

There was 2 men and one woman and the 2 fella's were "Right snooty". (His words not mine.) The lady was very nice according to my mates' new wife.

My mate has done a lot of flying world wide and was returning from Europe at the time and has not had such a poorly serviced flight in years.

I'm afraid he has joined the "Leaving Qantas in Droves" Club.

I on the other hand have experienced the other side of QF last year to and from LAX from Brisbane and both crews were just fantastic. The lady in the Qantas Club in that dingy little hole in LAX was a different matter all together. She obviously graduated with honours from the Geoff Dixon School of People Management. She could learn a few things from the crew at the club in T2. They are excellent value and a credit to QF. Double thumbs up to them.

What is GD's background anyway?


Don Esson
24th Feb 2005, 00:39
Very well said schnauzer - you are dead right. If only the bastards that run the place realised the truth of what you put.

;) ;)

Time Bomb Ted
24th Feb 2005, 00:45
I'm with you Schnauzer.

I do around 150-200 flights domestically per year and have found the staff to be excellent. A few rotten ones (I reckon at the top) doesn't mean they are rotten to the core.

I'm not telling you to shut up mind you. Free speech is what we enjoy in Aus, and I for one would miss your insights and thoughts. It would be a pretty boring old world if we couldn't "mix it up" every now and then.


Kaptin M
24th Feb 2005, 00:56
Ahh yes, goodwill - that intangible ASSET that costs good management very little, but is returned several fold by contented staff, proud of their company.
Dixon might look like a "good thing" to the shareholders, because of the fiscal returns he's providing them - but he is NOT a good people manager, and the damage he is doing/has already done to QANTAS is going to be reflected for many years after he is long gone.

But our little terrier, socks (a popular name for small, black dogs with white feet!!), might just be on to something.
I wonder if the pax supplies are being short-loaded by people in catering who are "disposing" of the excess.
It was happening in Air Cambodge years ago. The guy supplying the wine used to salvage the used bottles, refill them with cheap bulk wine, and flog off the genuine stuff, whilst charging the airline the premium price.

If stocks are running short, then it's either because insufficient supplies are being provided in the first place, or
because whomever is responsible for ordering the supplies is charging QF full price, but not delivering to the aircraft the paid for quantities!
Sounds like an investigation might be warranted.

I remember the case many years ago, in Sydney or Melbourne, where one of the airline catering staff also owned an Italian restaurant.
No prizes for guessing where most of his perishables came from!!

You might be more useful than you actually appear, socksie :ok:

24th Feb 2005, 01:06
I'm afraid not Kapt. Socks is way off the mark. Pilfering used to be common place, but these days happens VERY VERY rarely. QF have the right to search employees bags - it's part of our employment contract. ALL employees are made aware of it.

Don't get me wrong, there is the ocassional bottle of plonk going into the overnight bag, but 99.9% of QF employees realise that a $7 bottle of wine just aint worth the salaries that we are paid.

Socks wouldn't know if his backside had just been blown off by an anti tank weapon. He is just plain wrong and no one should give him the time of day.

24th Feb 2005, 01:26
Lots of rhetoric,observations and criticisms.
How about some positive suggestions?

Kaptin M
24th Feb 2005, 01:33
The quantities I'm talking about would be going (in and) out in TRUCKS, schnauzer, not bags.

A positive suggestion, Captain Q - start with a full check of catering...that the stuff that is being ordered and paid for, is actually being delivered, first to QANTAS, and then to the aircraft.
Use independent investigators - if theft is going on, on a large scale then there is likely to be a number of people involved.

IF all of that checks out okay, then obviously the quantities being supplied are INSUFFICIENT!

Don Esson
24th Feb 2005, 01:35
Maybe the bar shortages were the result of a buy-up by Qantas executive staff. A very jealously guarded perk not known by many is that enjoyed by all Executive staff that allows them to buy wine, liqour and beer (all classes) from catering at very discounted prices.. There is no limit to their avarice.. :E :E

24th Feb 2005, 02:06
It is always easier to blame someone else, I would welcome an investigation then I and others could tell all.

Why is one flight good for pax's and another not? The one thing that changes is the crew, and unfortunately for those who want to do the right thing, those who don't, drag us all down.

24th Feb 2005, 02:16
You are a classic example of the "instant expert"
Never been there and Never done it.
Your ignorance is only surpassed by your malicious arrogance!

24th Feb 2005, 02:23
What makes you think I am not speaking from first hand knowledge, and don't push me to reveal more.

24th Feb 2005, 02:24

From the SQ website re flight attendant's salaries:
salary and allowances of about S$3,500 a month
This works out to be roughly A$33,600 per annum pre tax INCLUDING ALLOWANCES. Most QF F/A's would be at least 30% up on that - heading up to comfortably double for a F/A -even triple for a senior CSM or Line Manager. Some of your senior colleagues (beyond 2000 trip for eg.) would come close to that in allowances alone.

The point you blindingly miss is that QF Flight Attendants are paid more than any other Asian flight attendants you care to mention. Convert numbers into any common currency and I guarantee it would cost TG or SQ less in wages to put 20 crew on a 747 than it costs QF to put 14 on there.

Salaries are in line with the cost of living in Australia, I grant you. However, QF is competing against airlines with a much lower cost base. GD can see this is a place where he can cut costs and will do so ruthlessly. Simply saying "We're not overpaid" is no defense against that. It's time for you, collectively, to pull your heads out of the sand and recognise what you're up against.

24th Feb 2005, 02:26
Socks Ol' Buddy:Put Up or Shutup!

Direct anywhere: How much does the CEO of SQ earn?
How much does an SQ Captain Earn?

24th Feb 2005, 02:56
So there you have it folks QF woes are all down to the Cabin Crew,the whole 7,000 of them ALL lazy,ALL Rude,ALL overpaid.Seems there is something wrong with the interview process and there has been since 1965.Wow!

24th Feb 2005, 03:40
Geeze, I give up.

Argusmoon, no idea about the CEO but an SQ Captain of similar age and experience will earn MORE than a QF Captain.

captainrats, read my first post. I NEVER said QF F/As were to blame for the airline's woes. Nor did I say they were all lazy, all rude, all shonks all(insert insult here). I simply said that QF F/As cost more than their counterparts and this is perhaps part of the reason why there are fewer of them per aircraft.

DEFCON 4 said no, not true when some simple web based research proves yes, it IS true.

If other airlines staff are cheaper that will give them a competitive advantage, plain and simple. No more to say....

24th Feb 2005, 03:56
Just because you have a "bad" job, doesn't mean you have to do it badly. There IS no excuse for rudeness to the people paying your wages. If your not happy, leave. :sad:

24th Feb 2005, 04:23
Sorry Schnauzer, I meant "Qantas Management"not the coal face staff. To paraphrase the old army saying there are no bad staff, only bad managers. I get upset reading posts from people who are trying to do a good job but stuck without the resources to do it.

Johhny Utah
24th Feb 2005, 04:28
QF aircraft are short on supplies because catering stock is purposely ordered at ~5-10% less than the expected load. I guess someone in management thought that this would contribute nicely to the $1.5 BILLION dollars that is the goal of the current cost cutting regime - however, all it seems to do get customers and staff offside.:(

As such, it's a bit of a stretch to blame the cabin crew if they run out of food/supplies/extras - they were probably never there in the first place...:*

24th Feb 2005, 04:39
Let me give you a story about work practices.

Once upon a time the Ansett LAME's got fed up. They were putting in their eight hours, then getting overtime every day of the week and then some.

"Enough!" One of them said, "all we are working overtime for is the bloody tax office!" . "we can get the same coverage by working twelve hour shifts. Don't pay us overtime, but instead we want a three day weekend. The manhours we supply you will be exactly the same. You will not pay us quite as much money, but we don't care, we get to see our kids grow up".

Sunfish did the numbers and these guys were right. For a small financial sacrifice they got a three day weekend - the airline paid less overtime - everybody won - except the tax office.

Sunfish had the temerity to mention this little idea to the powers that be and was promptly told that the Bosses' little Silver Haired mate was not going to countenance anyone breaking the sacrosanct eight hour day.

There ARE ways for QF to compete AND keep its costs down without antagonizing its staff.

Three Bars
24th Feb 2005, 04:41
I've said it before on other threads, I'll say it again now.

If anybody has a bad experience on QF, write a letter and let QF management know about it!! Tell them that you are not happy and will change companies if they do not improve the catering/meals/wine/IFE (whatever).

Maybe then they (management) will get the message that a reputation does not have a dollar value but costs a lot to reclaim.


24th Feb 2005, 05:43
SQ get paid monthly QF crew get paid hourly..bit hard to draw a comparison.You will always get better service when you have more people/crew.When you end up apologizing for circumstances beyond your control,and you do it constantly it starts to grind you down.So in order to maintain your sanity you lower your expectations of the service you would like to give.The whole scenario becomes self perpetuating.
Now my close personal friend "socks" will no doubt take issue with this.When his a/c breaks down he gets off and goes to a hotel>Doesn't have contact with pax at all.If he explains at all it is anonymously.No face to face confrontation for him.....let the minions do it.There are regulations in place to govern his world.Not so for the lowly Cabin Crew.They are here to serve him and satisfy his needs.He is a bit of a Dinosaur.Oh I forgot, he is also homophobic.Charming guy really.

24th Feb 2005, 06:13
Three Bars

At least bitching on this forum elicits a response now and again!

Writing to QF management is a waste of time and the paper it is written on. I have never once got a response so gave up the practise some time ago and have stuck with my resolution to not use QF unless the only alternative is a bicycle.

24th Feb 2005, 06:44
I wonder if the catering company would be ripping off QF if it was still owned by QF?

if that be the case, then the "Savings" made by outsourcing catering have well and truly been lost in lost revenue, lost brand credibility, lost manhours due to fed up staff working with perpetual shortages reulting in a loss of repeat cutomers.

smart business move.

24th Feb 2005, 19:54
Didn't they make the fence near catering high enough? I thought all this supply business was fixed years ago??:}

24th Feb 2005, 20:39
Three bars, if you get bad service in a restaurant do you write to the management, or do you go to another restaurant next time?

It's not up to the customers, it's up to the managers,

Surfside... carrying that chip around must be doing wonders for your back.

24th Feb 2005, 23:30
Don't know if this will shed some light on the issue, however for those that don't know whenever we fly a route we receive a load sheet and on it we need to check the catering code for the flight (i.e. if it is a domestic leg it might be catering code A, an international leg to a certain place B, or another place C) and that the respective catering weight and index (CoG) is the same as in our books.

Anyhow the point I had to make is that a while ago the catering weight changed and went DOWN by about a ton (1,000kg) or perhaps a little less on most sectors (6-800kgs perhaps), nevertheless a significant amount. Now either this new cabin service has some super new aged lightweight cutlery (maybe it’s just the plastic knives:\ ) or the simple fact is that they are just not loading as many stores as they used to which as we can see is now leading to not loading ENOUGH stores.

If I am wrong as to this been the reason for the change of weight please feel free to correct me, it is just an observation.

25th Feb 2005, 00:49
I Don't know about the domestic operation but aircraft stores are distributed over the international network by a mob called DANZAS.(Sea Freight)This has caused increasing problems and shortages of product.Ther appears to be no system in place for replenishing stocks.If for example you are in LAX and you have 3 weeks supply of wine for all west bound services and you know it takes DANZAS 4 weeks to ship,any one with half a brain would order extra stock when the level reaches 5 weeks supply.These guys wait until they have a(1) weeks supply.
The geniuses in AKL wait until stocks are totally depleted before they reorder.
There is a nice little rort in FRA.They say they can't supply QF Coffee but that they do have some "jars" of coffee..would you like some?No other coffee available..full ship ..yes please.These guys charge QF 18 euros for a 250 ml jar of coffee that you can buy at a german grocer for 2 euros.They always have QF stores but sometimes they"can't find it"Sometimes they load some cheap french plonk instead of QF wine.God knows how much they charge for thatThe list of rorts goes on.The people who are responsible for distribution(in Sydney) do nothing.I have been writing reports(now E-mails)for years..not one response and the beat goes on.

25th Feb 2005, 07:49
socks did you get caught steeling supplies in an overnight bag??

25th Feb 2005, 08:03
No, haven't been caught yet.

25th Feb 2005, 08:52
Been caught using the family brain cell, socks?

Nahhh, what was I thinking....:}

25th Feb 2005, 16:26
I recenlty flew QF Melbourne - Narita and thought the cabin service and food quality cannot possibly get any worse than this, sadly i was mistaken when i returned home on a very old 767 and experienced the hour and a half wait for the tray to be taken away. There was no turbulence so no excuses. No wonder people bag qantas and their cabin service. And yes i can understand job discontent and poor moral but surely "customer service" should be what you as an individual pride yourself on? Having recently flown Virgin i can say their attitude and service make a flight so much better.

25th Feb 2005, 21:40
Why wait for one and a half hours to get your tray cleared. If you're sitting in an aisle seat just put your tray in the aisle - it soon gets picked up!

Machinegun Fellatio
25th Feb 2005, 21:54
With 4 crew in y/c on a 767 and a full ship a meal service will take approximately 2 hours.So if you are sitting in the front cabin of y/c you will have your tray for quite awhile.Qf removed a crew member some time ago.
Mel/NRT is usually operated by shorthaul who with no disrespect are still grappling with QF international service due to lack of training and experience.

25th Feb 2005, 22:26
I recently flew on a series of QANTAS domestic flights. The first couple were run by NJS and are not really relevant to this thread, but I will say, good service guys but I really wish someone would start a decent catering business in Broome, the food out of there was way below par.

The next flight was a QF A330 out of Cairns and everything went swimmingly until I was left with my left over meal, plate and rubbish sitting on my tray for an hour. I wouldn't have minded so much except I was directly behind a bulkhead and the tray was the type that folds out from the arm rest giving me pretty much no room for my gradually expanding stomach or anywhere to comfortably rest my arms. Reading my book was not comfortable either as I had to hold it up higher than normal making my arms tired. I did ask one of the FAs to remove it but she said she was busy (and she was).

After that I had a flight from Sydney to Perth on a B767. Excellent flight (despite being a LOT longer than the CNS-SYD flight), excellent service, well done. They did run out of red wine, but I just changed to white.

25th Feb 2005, 22:44

How do you mean that the food out of Broome was below par. What nothing!
Animalclub, thanks for that. Simple solution to a simple problem. Will use.

Machinegun Fellatio
25th Feb 2005, 23:09
If another passenger trips over your strategically placed tray you will be vindicated.Lets hope the passenger doesn't have a baby in her arms.The damaged child,the distraught mother will be down to ......your impatience.But no.....its the Cabin Crew' s fault.See how that stands up in a court of law.Sometimes we just have to be responsible for our own actions and not blame someone else...Dare I say the responses from those on this thread will be predictable.

26th Feb 2005, 00:19
Anyhow the point I had to make is that a while ago the catering weight changed and went DOWN by about a ton (1,000kg

I took your statement to catering to get some qualification, and they said that it hasn't gone down it has gone up by 800- 1000 kgs, due to the added requirements for water and ice -creams.

It was also interesting to note they said that there is usually an excess of stores on board as a consequence of crews anticipating enough stores not being prior arranged and requesting new stores. This usually means that there are sometimes two times more then is necessary and if it transits four stations ie; SYD_SIN_LHR_SIN_SYD. possibly a lot more.

I wonder if load control and the Techies realise that when takeoff weight is critical weight and balance may not be legal.

Tell that to the green keeper at the end of the runway.

Machinegun Fellatio

The reason you got your last pay rise is because you sold out that extra crew member for 3%.

Machinegun Fellatio
26th Feb 2005, 00:32
Wow!.. 1000kg of ice cream.Can I be on that aircraft.There are between 10 and 12 boxes of Ice cream dependant on load of pax.Each contains 30 ice creams.Each container weighs 2.5 kgs..approx 25 kgs.So where does the other 975 kgs come from?Perhaps high density coffee is loaded?
BTW two times more =twice.
The excess of stores is what ..Ex Syd?Baloney......I have yet to see an excess of anything on a QF service.Socks you need to get a life .Really, spending time annoying caterers and then misinterpreting the information they give you.

26th Feb 2005, 00:35
Fast Cocksucker, I cannot really see your point. Vindicated? Was it Humpty Dumpty who reckoned (sic) that when he used a word it meant what he intended it to mean. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

A responsible person (such as you and I), Having placed our used tray in the isle would then keep a weather eye out for potential trippers.

Which neatly brings me to another concern. Why do people need to go to the toilet so often? I have been on flights and unfortunately placed next to the toilets enough times to give an informed observation. Is it like a Mile High club with these people.

Perhaps Virgin, along side their sign No shirt No shoes No Travel could also put Please visit the wonderful, clean and solid toilet facilities provided by the airport operator.

And I second the call AMOS where are you?

26th Feb 2005, 00:40
Machinegun Fellatio

Pull your head out and take a breath, you only see what you want to, I said water and icecream, now tell us the weight of water.

Machinegun Fellatio
26th Feb 2005, 00:47
So the Cabin Crew are responsible for the uplift of potable water?Why has there been an increase in water requirements.Is this fleet wide?Stop bothering the caterers with your trivial questions

26th Feb 2005, 00:52
You obviously don't work for Qantas if you don't know the requirements for bottled water, are you an internet stalker who joins threads just to be a nuisance. Go home and play with your crayons.

Machinegun Fellatio
26th Feb 2005, 00:56
Ahhh now we have it..bottled water.That is specified by the caterers matrix.Lets see 360 bottles of 250 ml water.... still way short of 975kg.Which caterers do you talk to...those at the school for the intellectually challenged?
You have contradicted/taken issue with another poster in this forum and you have yet to supply any information that is supportive of your view.For that matter you have strayed from the essence of this thread.Start another thread pehaps entitled "my life with a catering matrix"...and please the uncensored version.I await with bated breath.

26th Feb 2005, 05:55
The point I am trying to make here, and if you had any custard between those ears you would realise, is that even if these two obviously heavier items have recently been added to the ships stores there could not possibly been a reduction in weight.

26th Feb 2005, 07:37
We understand.....you just exaggerated by putting a zero in the wrong place...100kgs not 1000kgs.Whew, glad we cleared that up.
Now back to the essence of the thread:Qantas does not carry a/c stores in the hold .The whole logistics mess is down to DANZAS and the incentive bonuses paid.If you don't order anything for a month in every three your department comes in under budget(cost cutting)and hey presto you receive a bonus,not for doing your job well,but by doing it badly.
The brave new world of management by deceit.

27th Feb 2005, 00:03
Hi socks, I am sorry but whoever you have been speaking to in the catering department is not telling the truth, not at least when it comes to 767 ops anyhow.

The catering code for international operations (I think it was international) was C with an associated a weight of 3,043kgs. I am no longer flying the 767 and as such do not have direct access to the new catering weight and index pages currently, however if I remember correctly, the new weight was in the range or 2,600kgs, or perhaps it was around 2,400kgs, either way it is quite a substantial decrease in weight. It definitely definitely has not gone up a ton or even 100kgs. When I eventually get a hold of the actual new catering weight I will post it for you if you like. Perhaps there is someone around here on the 76 watching who knows the exact new number?

27th Feb 2005, 13:05
Clowns!... management is not responsible by the attitude of any one person.. nobody but an individual has the power to be positive and polite in the customer service industry... the conditions that are worked under are nobodies doing other than the groups and the negotiations with the company.. at the end of the day.. if you dont like the job leave! stop complaining! and get on with it, because there are plenty of young, and enthusiatic people that will happily do your job for a lot less remuneration and complaining!:O

27th Feb 2005, 13:17
When does a concern become a complaint?.Who will look after the wants and needs of the customers if not the front line staff?If the passengers are not receiving full value ie their expectations are not being met and it is the result of incompetence further up the management chain what would you do STANDARD?Leave is your response!So the problem remains the same and becomes someone elses responsibility and then they leave and so on ad infinitum.
So how is the problem fixed?Reports don't work.Passenger letters don't work.So i should just forget about it and let the problem continue.
STANDARD I would love to hear your solution!!!

27th Feb 2005, 23:35

How do you mean that the food out of Broome was below par. What nothing!

Dry, stale roll with one slice of ham and one slice of cheese. mmmm... yummm.