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View Full Version : Anybody need an FI?

aces low
23rd Feb 2005, 08:59
Does anybody out there in PPRuNE-land know of any FI vacancies that might be arising from Easter, preferably in the North of England. I am unrestricted with over 900 instructional hours, and have the Instrument Instruction ticket. Have done some SEPand FNPT1 CPL/IR instruction also.


23rd Feb 2005, 19:52
Check your PM's

G-SPOTs Lost
23rd Feb 2005, 21:09
Hi Aces

What about next door to us. Just bought a shiney Seneca and are trying to get involved in Comm/IR training. New management in situ and not heard any reports either good or bad instructor wrt instructors.

keep in touch

23rd Feb 2005, 21:53
Hi there, G Spots lost, I assume you are talking about Teesside ?!!!

aces low
24th Feb 2005, 06:51
..to everybody who got in touch. Really appreciate it.

5th Mar 2005, 14:05
I believe G-SPOT is more likely to be talking about Blackpool? Just a hunch... ive just been in to see the shiney new seneca :D