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Scott Voigt
26th Jan 2005, 16:21
Hi Y'all;

Well it is that time again. We are getting ready to put on our annual Communicating for Safety Conference. I hope that maybe some of you can find your way out here to attend. I think that we have upped it a notch again this year.

The following text is just some thoughts of mine on what we are putting together. It is by no means a polished press release <G>. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Oh one disclaimer... I leave on vacation on the 29th and will be gone for about 8 days, but will answer you after that.

Communicating For Safety
Training to Excellence
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
May 3rd and 4th

It’s time for aviation professionals to come together once again and talk Safety at Communicating for Safety. This year’s theme is Training and how it impacts what we as controllers and pilots do in our day to day jobs. Come join aviation professionals to discuss the issues and try to come up with some answers for those who are empowered to make substantive change in our profession.

Panels this year are as follows;

Training Technologies
Training Technologies being used today for both cockpit crews and controllers, do they adequately train to today’s environment? What do we need to do to improve both the technology and the fidelity of the training?

Special Use Airspace – TFR – ADIZ How we are meeting the challenge of expanding SUA airspace and what are we doing to train both pilots and controllers in the use of this airspace? How can we better manage the airspace in real time so as to least effect the user?

Training for New Navigation Systems What are the training needs for the new navigation technologies that are coming out? How do we train both controllers and pilots not only the capabilities but also the liabilities of these new technologies and how they are to be used and not used? How do we move towards standardization of both approach symbology as well as procedures?

Training for Pilots and Controllers How do we train the pilots and controllers in the coming day? There is a coming Air Traffic Controller shortage and this will require the FAA to look for efficiencies in training of controllers. The airlines and the FAA both are also going to look at efficiencies in training of both controllers and flight crews to save costs. What is the downside to training to the minimum standards as we do today? What are the problems with neither side of the microphone really understanding what goes on, on the other side of the microphone? What can this lead to and can it lead to more inefficient operations of the NAS?

Aviation Safety Reporting Safety reports from both the NASA ASRS, NTSB and ASAP programs that would show an increased need for training in both the cockpit and the control room for enhanced safety. What were the causes and what are the solutions?

Aviation Safety Investigators Incidents and accidents that a lack of training was a leading candidate for the incident or accident.

Air Traffic Organization VP’s
Open panel discussion

A View From the Top
John Carr President NATCA
Russ Chew COO of the Air Traffic Organisation FAA
Phil Boyer President AOPA
Capt. Mark Hettermann Capt. American Airlines APA

Open panel discussion.

If this all sounds interesting to you, please plan to attend. You can register at WWW.Safety.NATCA.org for a fee of $60. The registration fee covers your two days of meetings, a buffet lunch on both days as well as a continental breakfast on both days. There will also be a reception on Monday and Tuesday evening with finger foods.

If you have attended a Communicating for Safety before, then you know what you are in store for, and we intend to make this one the best yet. If you have never taken advantage of this great forum, now is your chance to meet many other aviation professionals and talk about serious issues that face our community, as well as make contacts for future business. Attendees will also have the chance to look at new technologies that are going to have an impact on the National Airspace System. Please plan to attend and register early. Registration will be cut off at 400 so please hurry.


Scott H. Voigt
NATCA Southwest Region
Safety and Technology Chairman

26th Jan 2005, 17:30
Scott -
I attended a Communicating for Safety Conference in the mid-'90s. I have attended a good number of ATC conferences in the past: IFATCA, FAA, private industry. The Communicating for Safety Conference is by far the most "real-life-issues" focused conference I've been to. This one, centered around training issues, promises to be one of the best.

If you go, you will learn valuable lessons. The conference will be worth a lot more than $60, that's for sure! I hope to see you there.

Scott Voigt
27th Jan 2005, 06:27

Being a member of the National Safety Committee, I will be there with bells on and working my butt off <G>... Hope that you get to make it.



PS. Would LOVE to see a lot more pilots there.

29th Jan 2005, 23:02
IFATCA 2005 - Melbourne (http://www.ifatca2005.com) (www.ifatca2005.com)

We still need 'bums on seats'. Don't forget to get your rego in before 28 February for the reduced rate.

Don't forget to book a tour (or the Wednesday or Friday night social functions) - that's my bit...


Scott I'm hassling my manager for a ride to your conference; goodluck...