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View Full Version : Where are Airbus wings made??

20th Jan 2005, 21:19
Hello all,

Please settle an argument between myself and two good friends of mine.
I say airbus wings (including the 380) are made in Broughton in North Wales. They are both adament they are made at Filton.

I feel I am right, and assumed this was a well known fact!
Cheers all :ok:

20th Jan 2005, 21:33

Hailing from that neck of the woods myself, I can assure you catagorically, unequivocally, 100% that ALL scarebus wings are indeed maunfactured and assembled in Broughton. I think Filton make various other components, but not for the wings themselves (I stand to be corrected on that last sentance!)

Time to claim those pints from your mates methinks!



21st Jan 2005, 07:53

Cheers mate, they just would not have it! :D

Genghis the Engineer
21st Jan 2005, 09:00
Broughton, just to confuse things, is shown on the chart as "Hawarden".


Approaching Minimums
21st Jan 2005, 09:12
At least the spoilers for A380 are manufactured in Finland by Patria Industries.

Best Regards,

21st Jan 2005, 09:13
that's right, wings are manufactured in Broughton and there's not much of manufacturing work going on at Filton apart from the odd electrical harnesses and drilling, milling and so on. Filton is where the design offices are. That said, the A400M wings will be equipped in Filton.

21st Jan 2005, 09:26
Here's the proof of the wing (http://www.airliners.net/open.file?id=550527&WxsIERv=QWlyYnVzIEEzODAtODAw&WdsYXMg=QWlyYnVzIEluZHVzdHJpZQ%3D%3D&QtODMg=T2ZmLUFpcnBvcnQgLSBDb25uYWgncyBRdWF5&ERDLTkt=VUsgLSBXYWxlcw%3D%3D&ktODMp=QXByaWwgNiwgMjAwNA%3D%3D&BP=0&WNEb25u=U3RlcGhlbiBQb3ludG9u&xsIERvdWdsY=&MgTUQtODMgKE=VGhlIGZpcnN0IHdpbmcgb24gaXQgd2F5IGRvd24gdGhlIHJ pdmVyIERlZQ%3D%3D&YXMgTUQtODMgKERD=NDU4MDE%3D&NEb25uZWxs=MjAwNC0wNC0wNw%3D%3D&ODJ9dvCE=&O89Dcjdg=NTAwMA%3D%3D&static=yes&sok=V0hFUkUgIChhaXJjcmFmdF9nZW5lcmljID0gJ0FpcmJ1cyBBMzgwJykg IG9yZGVyIGJ5IHBob3RvX2lkIERFU0M%3D&photo_nr=41&size=M) on the barge going down the River Dee.

Frank Poncherello
21st Jan 2005, 13:09
Used to work in Filton, and can add that several wing components are made down there. Some A320 ribs are made there, and part of the A330/340 front (spar assembly) infact the inboard third of the front leading edge spar sub-assembly (to me and you, the front spar nearest the fuselage, with the "D-Nose" attachements fitted - ie the slat track attachments etc etc).

Think they may also make the odd A330/340 wing rib down there too, but nothing major. Cannot remember how many ribs there oare on an A320, but I can recall there are about 15 companies out there manufacturing them (including the states), and shipping them to Broughton to be assembled.

Hope that adds a little confusion!!


21st Jan 2005, 14:12
hi all

I think the wings or at least the mainwing "beam" are made by SAAB in their factory in Linköping, Sweden


Sirius Flying
21st Jan 2005, 17:41
And of course it must be added that the flaps are designed and manufactured in Bremen, Germany.

21st Jan 2005, 19:46
Filton make the fixed trailing edge for t' A380 as well as various bits for other wings, and will manufacture A400m wing.

Hawarden is the airfield near the village of broughton where the airbus facility is based.

wing design offices are based at filton.

24th Jan 2005, 05:03
But do you class Filton as under Bristol or South Gloucestershire????

Sorry just taking the P155!!

All this talk of wings has made me hungry, any one for KFC?

24th Jan 2005, 06:56
Jeremy Clarkson wrote a few words on the matter in the last Sunday Times.. Very interesting.