View Full Version : Sickness, Accident and Loss of Licence

17th Jan 2005, 15:48
This may have been done before but no harm in an update.

To assist in a T's and C's negotiation could as many as poss please pass on the following info(by PM if required)for their units.

1/ What are the provisions for continuation of pay when sick,ie when does sick pay start,how many days, weeks,months does it last for, does it include/exclude SSP, if you have a scheme do you need to contribute to it.

2/ What are the provisions for accident cover, if you have it is it for all accidents including away from work(dangerous sports??)and how many days, weeks,months does it last for, does it include/exclude SSP, if you have a scheme do you need to contribute to it.

3/ What type if any Loss of Licence scheme do you have? If you have one after what time period does it kick in, how much does it cover? does the cover reduce with age etc. and is it provided by the company or do you need to buy it.

All thoughts welcome specifically UK units.
Thanks in advance.


17th Jan 2005, 20:00
Belfast City - 15 days paid sick per year, the unused portion can be banked. Once your sick bank is used payment is at the discretion of the company.:mad:

Accident cover - nil. If you get hurt see above.

Loss of license - currently around £80k then reducing from 55 onwards. Provided by company.

Banana Split
18th Jan 2005, 16:34
Loss of licence: depends on when you joined - some have lump sum of £25k - £40k whilst others have two years salary and others three years :rolleyes:

Sick/injury pay: first year = 40 days (10 days in 1st 6 months) rising to after 5 years = 140 days

Long term disability: 2 year qualifying period for illness/injury of continuous period greater than 26 weeks = 60% of earnings for the year up to the date first absent. Paid until normal retirement or death :}