View Full Version : First class boarding first...why?

Onan the Clumsy
17th Jan 2005, 02:11
I don't get it. The best I've heard is that they get to put their luggage in their own overhead, but that's not really the case as only 1st class can put their handhelds in the bins in first class anyway.

Why load 'em first? Sure they get on first, and all the spotty oiks have to gawk at them as they shuffle past, tugging a respectful forelock. It's not as if they can hit the oiks with rolled up newspapers or riding crops, or exercise Droit de Seigneur. Those days are over.

So they get on first, but to cramped little seats. Ok cramped big seats, but then they have to put up with the assault of body odour and garlic breath, not to mention the squarking of the chickins the peasants bring on for an in flight snack.

Why not let them get on last? It'd be like having the whole theatre seated before Her Majesty arrives.

It just seems so much more logical to put 'em on last, so how come?

Crop Dust
17th Jan 2005, 03:18
The First and Business class people have to board first so that they can get their pre-flight drink, pack, etc.... Also, they are probably the most anxious to get away from the gate lounge of course.

17th Jan 2005, 04:54
Well no wonder its called FIRST.

I don't think I would like to wait for, say, 350 to board a 747 and be the last one to get on for the ridicilous amount of money you pay (something like $12,000 to fly to LAX from Sydney).

Chief Chook
17th Jan 2005, 06:51
FCP's don't "have" to board first, they are invited to board ahead of the rabble, but are free to board at any time thereafter, as they wish.

17th Jan 2005, 10:19
I guess it depends on the airline as with my airline (short haul), business PAX board the last so that they can enjoy the lounge and they dont have to stay seated with nothing to do during boarding.

17th Jan 2005, 10:31
I would have thought that if you were flying first class someone else would put your bag in the overhead locker..

17th Jan 2005, 12:32
Here First Class can board at their convenience, and usually have a First/Business dedicated jetway (whenever possible, like on 747), but anyway the Business and Economy don't go past First because it's in the first section of the A/C and boarding is through the second door.

Rabid Dog
19th Jan 2005, 03:25
It's to get more pre-take-off drinkies in darlings!

19th Jan 2005, 17:21
Onan, You seem to have a tad hump about it. In your game you must have flown First once or twice surely ?

Done it once or twice myself. I guess I get your sentiment - it's all about Customer Service.

Seating, pre-flight drinkies, ensuring one is comfortable, getting to know the crew who are attending. Ensuring that the service will go as planned.

I have to say it works very well and in my opinion should be viewed as a compliment to the crew that work very hard to do the work and promote the service the airline is offering.