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View Full Version : Open Meetings

Biggin Koksy
17th Jun 2001, 12:44
Not being able to get to the recent open meeting at LATCC to hear Richard Everitt from TAG, what was the general concencus of the meeting?

Vlad the Impaler
18th Jun 2001, 21:29
Attended meeting at CATC.
Richard Everitt looks like jack straw, sounds like william hague and avoids awkward questions better than the pair put together!!!
His favourite phrase is 'Going Forward'
He denies that the AG bid is in trouble and fully expects it to be sewn up by end of June. That was really the only thing he said as all the other questions were diverted to Mr Jizzolm for our enlightenment. He said in response to the bonus question that NATS had never given any assurances to the union over the payment of bonuses, apparently if this had been the case then they wouldn't be bonuses ! He believes that the majority of employees understand and accept this, he seemed to dismiss it as not really a problem.
The other big question was the readiness of NERC for 27/02/02 following the failure of the N04 shakedown tests. Apparently there is no problem and we can expect opening on O Date or thereabouts as planned.
Well thats alright then!!!!!!!!!!

18th Jun 2001, 23:35
Well then MISTER Jizzholm..........how many more lies are you going to tell ????

I hope to God that the Airline Group can see through it all.

Red Spitfire Driver
19th Jun 2001, 01:45
One interesting statement at LATCC was that the AG were looking at the ratio of operational staff to non-operational. I bet some of the office workers are feeling a cold chill down the spine :). Also overheard from a (new) tels guy ' I did'nt realise the discontent from the Controllers til I attended this meeting'.... just wait buddy...