View Full Version : Squawk Codes

17th Jun 2001, 06:50
Why are we being given codes similar to the emergency codes? I have been allocated 770X twice now in a week by MAN and HUY .

17th Jun 2001, 13:59
Totally upto the computers matey ;)

"Go around..I say again...go around"

17th Jun 2001, 14:37
Hi extra,

This has been happening for some time. I was issuing some A76XX codes yesterday as well. There is such a shortage of available SSR codes that the decision was taken to use the "emergency" series. No reason not to really, a response is only triggered on our radar screens when '00' is selected as the suffix. The whole problem will be solved with the wider introduction of mode 'S', when each aircraft will have an individual identity for life.

17th Jun 2001, 14:54
:) With some operators it's better to be prepared for all eventualities....... :)

It wasn't me.

17th Jun 2001, 15:29
....and there are far more "problems" with twitcher pilots dialling up "7700" rather than "7000" than will ever be caused by professional pilots using codes in the ranges referred to.

17th Jun 2001, 20:41
"Actually" chaps and chapesses, this has been going on for the last 8 months in MAN tower/radar. As an aside, a lot of Pennine squawks have been out by only the first digit. :)
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