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Ready Immediate?
10th Jun 2001, 23:37
Monkey Boy...........recovered yet ?

monkey boy
11th Jun 2001, 00:20
Yurrgh. I have now!

11th Jun 2001, 02:05
mmm, you disappeared early and were not seen again!!!

11th Jun 2001, 22:19
I managed to survive the party, arrive back at Heathrow with Monkey Boy and myself still intact (great things radar detectors!) and fly back to ISZ. I even found time to buy some flowers and a birthday card for Mrs Odi. However, I didn't survive Sunday and am now laid up for a week with a knackered neck floating on a sea of valium and strong pain killers. There is no justice in the world!

Ready Immediate?
11th Jun 2001, 22:58
Twas a good night for most.........however it was Thursday morn I felt a bit ill!

driver 8
11th Jun 2001, 23:03
Odi, what did you do? Heard today you were off sick?

I just assumed it was a few too many down south.


12th Jun 2001, 12:33

Don't know what I did - went to bed Sunday night with a slight twinge in my neck and woke up Monday morning unable to move without very painful muscle spasms. I can honestly say I have never known pain like it.

http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/eek.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/eek.gif

However, I have to challenge Monkey Boy's citing of morphine as top pain relief: Co-codomol and valium together are pretty good. You can't feel a thing, and if you could, you wouldn't care anyway :) ;) :)

For some reason the docs weren't happy for me to work for a few days. Can't think why.....

monkey boy
14th Jun 2001, 22:40
Odi. Even when I'd finished the painkillers, no one wanted me to go back to work.

Perhaps there's a message somewhere.