View Full Version : MATZ Penetration. Is this legal?

4th Jun 2001, 17:43
I am flying at 2000 feet on a weekend and wish to transit through a MATZ Op hrs H24.

I iniate a call on the designated contact freq. 5 mins out but receive no reply.

Can I legally proceed with caution?

4th Jun 2001, 21:52
If you're a civi pilot flying a civi aircraft and you don't go into the aerodrome traffic zone the answer's yes. But you'd probably want to use lots and lots of caution - is this a theoretical question or is there some reason you don't want to call?

4th Jun 2001, 22:03
Civil aircraft are not legally required to recognise a MATZ at any time, active or not -- though blundering through an active one is clearly poor airmanship. However, the ATZ within the MATZ is the same as a civil ATZ -- if you get no reply you must avoid the ATZ.

4th Jun 2001, 22:45
I concur, all you are legally required to do is avoid the published ATZ. Dont forget that in the UK all ATZs at government aerodromes, (RAF,RN,USAF etc) are active H24 REGARDLESS of whether or not the aerodrome is open.
As has been said, common sense and good airmanship has to prevail, however it doesnt help that a small number of military ATC units have a very odd attitude to providing an atc service to transitting aircraft. For example, Lakenheath, (who admittedly are not a LARS provider), refuse to answer aircraft who call on VHF on a Saturday and Sunday. Yet they and Mildenhall are still launching and recovering high speed fighters and large transport aircraft 24 - 7. http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/confused.gif

It wasn't me.

5th Jun 2001, 02:21
Many thanks for your replies.

It was a practical question as I always call on the notfied frequency but often get no answer,especially at weekends.
I therefore assume the Matz may not be active.

6th Jun 2001, 07:36
As long as you don't want to penetrate their MATZ, Lakenheath can be quite helpful!

8th Jun 2001, 22:27
Reminds me of a girl I used to know ;)