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View Full Version : age 60 US

22nd Dec 2004, 05:30
I'm new to this forum and unsure of this being the best place to ask----------I'm approaching age 60 in the US---I suppose everywhere for that matter. Is there a forum or data base that speaks to the age requirements in countries other than the US---for that matter if any of these countrys' airlines are hiring.



22nd Dec 2004, 06:38

At 60 even though you can fly within certain countries still like UK and Australia there is no way you will get taken on at that age and also you need a EU Passport to work in the EU and as for Australia they look after their own very effectively so time to retire.

A lot of talk in the EU about future age limits increasing but the French will probably block it hence as most aircraft from UK have to go into French airspace you are blocked in. It is all about Union Control and nothing to do with Medical worries.