View Full Version : PCS Working for the members?

22nd Mar 2002, 14:42
Somehow,somewhere PCS and NERC management agreed to new shift hours for operational ATSA's,apparently without all of the operational Union reps being asked.. .Methinks something is afoot,anyone have any clues as to why these new shift hours were agreed?

Nick Webb
26th Mar 2002, 00:40
Not quite sure why these have changed but you are right when you say there is something strange going on.I am a bit fed up that there seem to be changes every month to the hours.I see now from April that the ATSA's now have VLA shifts that run from 1500-2400.These afternoon shifts seem to be getting later!!

26th Mar 2002, 01:14
Puppets on a string springs to mind when it comes to Management/PCS. We've been well and truly stitched up by our so called Union. They seem to have the negotiation skills of a monkey.I wonder how many of those who agreed to these ludicrous shifts actually have to work them,(or are you all sitting comfortably back watching the interest grow on your VR payoff or maybe you're at LATCC marking your time).. .. .Time we all voiced our opinions to the new LACC committee and if they care not to listen, then i suggest we withdraw our membership.. .. .What will be next. The 2002 Pay Talks !!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="mad.gif" />

Nick Webb
26th Mar 2002, 01:34
I quite agree with you.We never seem to be consulted by anyone about any of these issues and I think we should all get together as you say and threaten to withdraw out membership.

26th Mar 2002, 19:00
VR is very nice thank you .....however if you withdraw from the Union who will fight your battles then ....if you want to do something get involved in the Union ...when i was at LATCC the shift pattern change was changed by management for NERC and as it did not affect the amount of working hours ,the BEC at LATCC could do nothing about it ...the changes at NERC are for the BEC there to discuss ...so i suggest you get involved!!!!

26th Mar 2002, 19:22
I completely agree when you say we have to get involved, but, as with the last few 'decisions' that have been made relating to shift hours, the first the ops staff and a lot of the Union reps seem to know about it, is when it is published.. .If the Union are defending us when it comes to these decisions, why don't they let us know what is going on BEFORE decisions are finalised.. .. .This is why I think something is going on.

26th Mar 2002, 19:48
If it was as easy as that slurp, then YES i would quite happily get involved, but this is not the only issue where the union is letting down it's memembership. I always thought the idea of the union was to arbitrate between the two sides, and NOT to have it's tail wagged by management. . .. .A familiar pattern of conversation seems to be cropping quite often nowadays:- . .. .1.Pay fiasco of 2000/2001 and what will 2002 hold !. .2.Union unwillingness to get involved in re-location disputes. .3. Shi*t Hours ( oops i meant shift). .4.Shift Roster Pattern. .5.General lack of communication and consultation.. .. .Now we have our own BEC at LACC i'm hopeing that things will soon improve. Let's hope they can get the message across.

26th Mar 2002, 21:28
PAY, HOURS, ROSTERS, RELOCATION, COMMUNICATION!. .. .Commenting about these is pointless!. .. .Relocation problems are nearly always having to be fought individually, the rason for this being-. .. .THERE SHOULDN'T BE RELOCATION PROBLEMS. .. .Union involvement in making sure operational staff move with minimum stress is almost non existent.Rosters and hours,talked about earlier.. .Pay!!! What Communication?

26th Mar 2002, 23:08
ok guys i admit i don t know about all the new issues arising from NERC ,but the 'Chair' at LATCC is a great guy who is still fighting for a few people in dispute ...with job allocation and relocation things ...i think the new committee at NERC will need to get involved more ...as i said try getting involved yourselves and also keep pressurising the BEC themselves by asking questions ...make them work for you ...good luck guys

28th Mar 2002, 20:42
Sand Castles, On Course Sam & zerouali, GET OFF YOUR A*SE AND GET INVOLVED THEN. Everyone has their right to an opinion, but do you ever put yours to a rep? Or do you just whine on your PC? I'm a rep and I'm not overly happy about everything that's going on at the moment, but thats why I put myself up for the BEC in the first place, so at least I could try to get to where we want to be. PCS members are welcome to come along to the monthly BEC meetings to observe what goes on. Do they? Not too many in my experience. Or when consultative meetings are held, people arent always exactly breaking the door down to get in. Its much easier to sit on your backside and moan isnt it, and not actually bother to do anything about it? Well faceless moaning on PpRuNe isnt going to get much done, talk to your local rep, or even better, see you at the next BEC? Will you? Probably not.... .. .A Trade Union is what you make it.

29th Mar 2002, 01:53
Firstly Earlygo - my rep is well aware of how i feel about PCS at the moment - (i wonder if it gets passed along the line ?). .. .So we can go along to the Union meetings can we. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="confused.gif" /> . .. .Good job i'm on PPRune then isn't it otherwise i would have never known about it, would i !!. .. .Don't ever recall our watch reps informing us of that - hmmmm must be that lack of communication i mentioned !!

31st Mar 2002, 21:54
if anyone wanted to attend a BEC meeting as an observer has always been most welcome and several have!...it was when i was on the BEC and is now i presume...so get your facts right

1st Apr 2002, 14:33
Never had my facts? wrong in the first place. But it seems you may not be so sure yourself as, to use your own choice of wording, you "Presume".

Try reading and digesting what i actually said. I and many other union members who i have asked over the past week were not aware that the BEC meetings were "Open" to all. Thanks to reading it on here we now have the option of attending if we so wish. Maybe the BEC will see a few new faces in the near future.!

Subject as far as I'm concerned is CLOSED.

3rd Apr 2002, 11:33
exel....BEC meetings have ALWAYS been open to members when i was at LATCC ...i am not at NERC so i can only 'presume' things are the same..