View Full Version : unpleasant types

9th Apr 2001, 02:23
would i be fair in saying that ATC units have more than their fair share of arrogant, bigoted twats?

sounds harsh i know, but the reasoning is this: ATCO's do a difficult job, the training is tough and the pressure is high. thus the selection process and subsequent weeding out through training could well result in a bias toward a certain character type.

many ATCO's of course (i work at LATCC) are perfectly charming. too many though are complete and utter w*nkers.


9th Apr 2001, 02:30
anyone?so what do you expect with crap like that....this fish aint rising to bait like that....what a t***er

9th Apr 2001, 02:34
you see

Mustafa Slippage
9th Apr 2001, 02:57

I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that many ATC people are of similar profile. I'm interested what your angle is. Are you suggesting that we should target recruiting at complete and utter twits thus minimising wasteage?

As someone who finds the 'odd' people interesting, I enjoy the company of those who aren't clones of myself.

9th Apr 2001, 03:02
Can't quite work out your perspective. You start off by taking about ATC units but then talk abut ATCOs. So you're not an ATCO - but if you work at LATCC - an ATSA maybe? Engineer? Latrine inspector?

What's your beef? Sounds like you have a special gripe about most of your colleagues. So maybe the problem isn't THEM, it's YOU.

Slurp got it right. Try engaging brain before keyboard.

Baby Faced Finster
9th Apr 2001, 23:51
So either you don't like ATCOs, or you don't like ATCOs. I like the way you try not to offend, but succeed in sticking the old boot in. I suggest you buy a couch, lie back on it, and think about why you feel like you do.

Written by a very pleasant ATCO

10th Apr 2001, 00:49

Yes, you would be WRONG.

Years ago one of the Oxbridge Universities had a look at all the character attributes of successful ATCO Cadets who completed their courses and went on to validate.

Guess what? Nobody fitted the "ideal" profile, indeed nobody was even close. People were spread out all over the spectrum... just like real life.

I guess it's all a question of tollerence for an individuals idiosyncracies (??). There are people that I don't particualrly like, or even like to be around, but they do the job and I don't have to spend all my time with them (much easier at LATCC than a smaller unit). The fact is LATCC ATCOs, supported by ATEs and ATSAs help move a million or so flights in a safe, orderly and expeditious manner. The job gets done, I go home, they go home.

Now, if the people you have a problem with are doing something unsafe, THEN you should do something about it. CA1261's are NOT just limited to ATCOs, and LATCC has it's own "safety observation forms" as well.

There, I've tried to be all nice and reasonable. Happy now?


Nuke the Bastards
10th Apr 2001, 13:29
Hmmmmmmm.......this swiftlee character ??

......nuke the bastard ! :) :) :) :) :) :)

west country fatbloke
10th Apr 2001, 14:56
hmmm...swiftlee...would you like a nice piece of fish to go with that chip on your shoulder???

10th Apr 2001, 15:16
Bexil160; you makin' this personal??!!

10th Apr 2001, 15:35
you seem to think i am an ATCO...i am not ...so there!...just think personal attacks do little to help the working relationship between staff...sure there are gooks in all grades ...seems like you're on your own....

10th Apr 2001, 16:10
Hmmmm Swiftlee that would be like saying all politicians are a**e holes with their heads up their a**e....well bad example... but what I'm trying to say is that like all occupations there is a mix of people, their a prats in every workplace and thats what makes work interesting. Us airtraffic controllers aren't anything special(although some would like to think differently), we just have a knack for keeping metal apart. So to group us all together in any way is very misguided. Although if you'd said all ATC's are crappy husbands and drink too much.. well I may not have disagreed...

10th Apr 2001, 17:56

Ooops, sorry. I KNOW that you are a jolly nice person....