View Full Version : Looking for an ATC simulation for the PC?

23rd Feb 2001, 21:22
The new release of ATC Interactive is now out. It incorporaates advanced HMI, Short Term Conflict Alert, Medium Term Conflict Detection and optional RVSM features. Great for training, examining new routes/procedures, increased traffic, and just plain fun - and its free!
Build your own scenarios - its a piece of cake.
You can find it at users.skynet.be/atcsim/

The truth is inside!

1st Mar 2001, 01:02
Thanks GB,
Nice program. The documentation makes quite interesting reading too.


PS - don't worry that nobody else has posted a thankyou. Most are too busy working themselves up into a frenzy over the evil empire, destroyer of worlds, and eater of babies that is the deadly SERCO ;-).

"I’m a happy camper!!!" - Father Jack.

1st Mar 2001, 21:26
Thanks for the thanks.

There's a lot more scenarios in the pipeline, mostly Europe, - takes time to get them right. Keep checking.

Yes, I scrolled the hot topic of the month. I do understand peoples worries (and I'm glad I'm not involved (any more), but I gave up when I saw it looked like degenerating into a slanging match.