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View Full Version : AFL IL62 birdstrike @ Mumbai

5th Dec 2004, 21:39
This happened recently on an IL-62 carrying journalists to accompany Putins visit to India. Dont have an exact date.


story in german:


5th Dec 2004, 23:00
One big bird. Pretty tough, too; no trail of remains. Fortunate it wasn't a metre higher.

6th Dec 2004, 01:53
...or, a bit bigger or possibly the aircraft going faster.

Case in point:
Ethiopian 727 noticed years ago in Khartoum, and the buzzard that struck the aeroplane, while said aeroplane was traveling at 340KIAS, at 4,000AGL went...
thru the radome
thru the forward pressure bulkhead
thru the FD door...

and ended up in the FC lounge area.

Oh yes, it also broke the co-pilots left leg along the way.

Nasty.:uhoh: :uhoh:

6th Dec 2004, 02:31
Daylight operations at this airport is something I have never seen.

6th Dec 2004, 08:31
Some more info in English at:


6th Dec 2004, 08:45
AFL IL62 birdstrike @ Mumbai
For how much longer must we continue to have every Russian aircraft reported as belonging to Aeroflot ? They haven't had IL-62s in their fleet for years. Just look at the different livery/fleetname.

And we complain about journos ......