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View Full Version : Dynamite news?

15th Feb 2001, 00:53
I understand that one of the broadsheets will run a major story in tomorrows edition relating to PPP, my info indicates it to be good news from NATS and thier employees point of view. If the story runs as I expect, the rumour pages will be alight!

Maybe not so good for the Famous three leading the government!

The newspaper is called The G******* and should be in Thur 15th's.

15th Feb 2001, 01:07
Sorry Orson, if it's the Gruniad, it'll be lluf fo srorre.
esaelp evig su eht swen ereh.
kanht ouy.

15th Feb 2001, 01:24
OK Orson, What's the alleged story going to be about, we can all go out and buy one in the morning, so it still won't boos their sales that much, what's the info? Who's the source/ How reliable?

Please, I can't wait till morning, I'm a nocturnal crature, Am I going to have to sit through News 24 til they tell me?

Turn left heading 230, close from the left, report established

15th Feb 2001, 01:45
Funnily enough http://www.guardian.co.uk should be a good start! I'll not be buying it either we're all Herald readers! The Scotsman last I read had supported PPP but what do you expect from Andrew "Brillo" Neil?

I Keep Mine Hidden

15th Feb 2001, 12:27
Well I wouldn't say it's "dynamite" but at least they're on the right track.
There are quite a few links to the whole saga, and who says Serco are the only other ATC provider in the UK apart from NATS! http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/eek.gif

15th Feb 2001, 13:38
at last a small glimmer of hope...bet the Government will find some way round it...it ain't over til'its over !!!

15th Feb 2001, 15:04
If the 4 four independant safety advisers appointed want to resign over one of the bidders, then how can the government go with one of the last 3?

This is the most significant news relating to PPP that has been published so far. Surely any attempt by the government to award the contract to Serco could prove fatal to them. It would then boost the call for industrial action on safety grounds and give the cause one hell of a lift.

Warped Factor
15th Feb 2001, 16:51
Just listened to Ian Findlay of IPMS being interviewed on Radio 5 Live.

As mentioned, the governments "independent safety advisors" are believed to have threatened to resign en-masse if SERCO are appointed the strategic partners.

What a mess this whole sorry saga is turning out to be.