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View Full Version : Tony Brown retires from MAN ATC

Sir George Cayley
28th Feb 2002, 16:33
Just heard that after 35 years Tony Brown has retired from ATC at Manchester Airport. Having had the pleasure of knowing him as man & boy may I be the first to congratulate him and wish him a long and happy retirement.

Theres a million TB stories from both MAN and his Air Show work so what about an affectionate and humourous set of postings in honour of someone very special.

ATB Tony

Rgds Sir George

28th Feb 2002, 17:04
Did My OJT at MAN where Tony passed on many words of wisdom

I wish him all the best in his retirement

Chilli Monster
28th Feb 2002, 17:57
Tony was my mentor at my first PFA Rally, which consisted of "well, you seem to know what you're doing - shout if you need a hand". Wonderful to be taught by him and so nice to have that experience sat on your shoulder.

All the best for the retirement Tony - enjoy <img src="smile.gif" border="0">


28th Feb 2002, 21:21
I have only known Tony briefly through his assistance with Fear Of Flying course. I always found him very friendly, keen to help and professional, in a word a "gent". I wish Tony all the best in his retirement and a big thanks for his part in keeping our skies safe.

28th Feb 2002, 21:21
I "flicked the switch" on him for his last time today. He seemed quite reluctant to go, I've never had a 2 aircraft handover take so long!

Everyone, including his wife, was waiting for him in the rest room and he spent another 5 minutes chatting on his way out of the Ops Room!

He may not be operational any more but he'll still be around.

All the best Tony! <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

28th Feb 2002, 22:36
EGCC was my first unit 20 years ago, Tony is one of the most genuinely nice guys I have had the pleasure of working with. As a rather green 20 year old Manchester seemed very daunting, luckily I was sent to Tony's watch (I think it was A watch) and he trained me in the tower - I owe my progression since then to his guidance in those first faultering steps.. .Cheers Tony, all the best in your retirement.

bagpuss lives
28th Feb 2002, 22:48
Tony will definitely still be around MACC - I hear he's off to join Gerry in training.

Absolutely lovely bloke - always really really friendly, loves a chat, adores his job and always has time to pass on his experiences, good or bad, to anyone wise enough to listen.

All the best Tony and look forward to seeing you back in the restroom :)

[ 28 February 2002: Message edited by: niteflite01 ]</p>

1st Mar 2002, 21:11
As an ex member of A Watch in 1976-1979 I can only add to all the good wishes already voiced for TB. . .Good luck in the future mate, it was great working with you.

EGCC Rwy 24
1st Mar 2002, 23:05
I now need to glue myself to the scanner and work out (by a wierd backwards process of elimination) which ones are not Tony!

Tony, I'm must have heard you - once I work out which one you were, I'll miss you too!!

Now then, you do have one more job to do!! After 35 years service, you must have some anecdotes or wisdom which you can share. My <a href="http://www.nicklocke.co.uk/Points" target="_blank">web site</a> is there just for that purpose!

Thanks in advance and best wishes for the future.

2nd Mar 2002, 14:49
I believe this is Tony "the voice" Brown. As an FO what wonderful calm tones whisk our little J32s skidding us through Dayne and with pinpoint accuracy position us full established in between the big guys down the GS at 6d. Great admiration for the skill, especially in these blustery conditions lately, and such a lovely voice on the RT. Really is so welcoming if you've been hard pushed. Sorry to see Tony go.......

PATCC forever
4th Mar 2002, 12:21
Mentor, advisor and despite him being very very old - a great mate. If I started to list the many humourous anecdotes about AVB we'd be here all day. . .. .In his 35 years with NATS, Tony cycled to work every day and was always the first in. What's more, throughout his entire career he never had a single days sick leave. How's that for a record to be proud of!. .. .Many of you will know that a couple of years ago, his service to aviation was recognised by the well deserved award of an MBE.. .. .So to finish, a little quiz:. .. .Tony never used to broadcast his middle name so we'll do it for him. What is it? (Those who know, please abstain for the moment and see what guesses we get).

4th Mar 2002, 19:53
Best wishes from everybody, who you'll never know how much were in appreciation.

4th Mar 2002, 21:29
Many of you may not know that Tony is really Father Christmas! I'm just sorry I'm too old for him to climb down my chimney any more.

Sheilagh Blige
11th Mar 2002, 04:12
Dearest Tony . .. .It would have been nice to say goodbye by having a leaving party........ .. .Sheil

bagpuss lives
14th Mar 2002, 00:09
Just FYI - Tony, or should that be Valentine , was happily back on the unit today.. .. .I spotted him, MATS pt 2 underarm walking through the ops room like he's never been away.. .. .Was a good sight to see <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> . .. .Nice to have him back with us.

None in the circuit
17th Mar 2002, 14:14
Tony I got to know you through Fairford Air Tattoos. Your guidance and advice in my rookie year at the show was invaluable. Hopefully see you there this year.. .. .All the best AF (The Jock!!)

Graham Laurie
20th Mar 2002, 21:56
So Tony has been seen around again! Surprise, surprise. He may have retired after 35 splendid (pilot friendly) years but he will still be involved. I would just like to add my thanks for all the help over the years from AVB. He was never too busy to have a quick word with anybody and it was not only the 'full time' pilots who benefitted - much good 'airmanship' was emitted on 'Approach' to our less experienced colleagues.. .. .Good luck Tony for the future and thanks again for all that 'Professionalism' and 'Good old Common Sense". As for ;Santa; he can never retire!. .. .Cheers from 4, WAK

21st Mar 2002, 18:28
I think it is only right that NATS make some special effort to recognise Tango Bravo's special nay, exceptional services to commercial aviation and, of course, to his long involvement and sheer professionalism in the air show game. Fat chance probably but at least can they rip up his retirement papers (he's got to be the healthiest guy on the block) and let him get back to his second true love. His first, of course, is the lovely Lesley - She Who Must Be Obeyed!. .. .I hope the cheques in the post Tony!