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11th Feb 2001, 23:52
Sorry, this isn't ATC related but it does how SERCO operates.


12th Feb 2001, 01:16
DVT,thanks it is a very good link.

Der SimMeister
12th Feb 2001, 01:19
sounds about par for the course.

2 sheds
12th Feb 2001, 01:26

Well done in finding that - should be compulsory reading for every member of NATS and every member of this idiot government who even contemplates letting Serco through the NATS door. When will they realise that Serco is all gloss and no substance and that their only interest is in getting rid of staff and cutting operations to the bone in order to make profits for themselves. At least the Airline Group knows the business and would run NATS for the benefit of the customer.

12th Feb 2001, 02:09

12th Feb 2001, 02:28
From The Daily Torygraph, Sat Feb 10 2001, (Page 31):
"The front runner in the compettion to run Britains ATC system moved to head off its difficulties with the OFT, (Office of Fair Trading), which says it will dominate the market for training ATCOs.
The OFT has recommended that the Competion Commission should investigate the position of SERCO.
Serco has undertaken to provide training courses for 3rd parties.Yesterday it published details of how it proposes to avoid abuse of it's dominant market position.
The DTI is seeking industry responses."
The lengthy article goes on to explain the current climate of unrest, and that CATC Hurn would come under SERCO, going on to quote
Bailbrook intructor staff:
" Since the aquisition of Bailbrook,SECO has made no significant investment at all. The simulators are 10 years old and out of date.We have lost long term contracts, and used to make annual profits of around £5m, but for the last 2 years, there have been losses of apporx £1m."
SERCO spokesbody says:
" WE are not closing the Bath college,but moving it to better facilities."
Draw your own conclusions one and all.

Yellow Snow
12th Feb 2001, 02:58
DVT: That's a brilliant link, absolutely shocking to read! Will we have to reapply for our jobs? ;)

All: In every edition of that brilliant, impartial, journalistic gem that we receive at our units, entitled 'Airspace'(Or is a piece of shoddy company propaganda!!! for you to decide) There's always an interview with a NATS employee from across the board.
One of the questions always asked is,
"What do you consider to be NATS's finest
Yeh I know, the answer's always very cheesy, but, if SERCO get the contract then that will definitely be 'NATS's DARKEST hour', we must not let it happen, it's got to be, not for profit or not at all!!!

There that's off my chest! :)

12th Feb 2001, 19:45
I hear from abroad that 2 of SERCO's (ATC) Contract Managers in the Middle East (SERCO's largest theater of ATC operations) had recently been sacked for "cost" (read-profit) reasons. As in "not making enough profit". Can any of our Middle East colleagues confirm/deny/correct this info?

Captain Charisma
13th Feb 2001, 02:40
FL450 - A very sad day for the Dubai contract. I suppose though that the Regional Director would have enforced his will eventually, his intentions have been clear for a while. Hope the conditions don't get degraded to the OMAA standard. Perhaps the "other" option was a better bet!

13th Feb 2001, 16:09
Serco run Oil Terminals too.

A certain Terminal on the south coast had a major contamination on the 1st vessel handled by Serco. (Thankfully it wasn't Jet A1) Says a lot though.

[This message has been edited by Mariner9 (edited 13 February 2001).]

Captain Charisma
14th Feb 2001, 00:12
If I have to spell it out I will. The one that resulted in a dismissal of a staff member who proposed direct hire by the client thereby bypassing Serco and what we all knew (whether we are willing to admit it or not) was the path downwhich the Regional Support? Office was trying to take the Dubai contract!! However now that the one person in management who stood up to the cost-cutting (profiteering) moves by the Regional Manager has gone I suspect we will find our conditions going the same way.

14th Feb 2001, 05:22
DVT great link. Just shows what lengths or should I say Depths SERCO will go to make profits.

14th Feb 2001, 11:35
You are not alone guys, Sercos engineering contracts have a certain reputation too. How do they continue to thrive and prosper?

Old age and treachery will always triumph over youth and enthusiasm.

14th Feb 2001, 19:30
Did everyone see this one...I missed it...
Monopoly worries halt Nats plans
Controversial government proposals to part privatise National Air Traffic Services (Nats) were stalled for a further period today when the Department of Trade and Industry decided that assurances from Serco Group (LSE: SRP.L - news) about monopoly worries needed to be investigated by the Office of Fair Trading.

Critics claim that Serco, which is bidding for a 46% stake in Nats, would have a monopoly in providing training for the highly skilled UK traffic controllers.

Most critics of the part privatisation come from the left wing of the Labour Party and are worried about air safety and the way in which commercial operations may jeopardise it.

Air controllers have also been critical. Today Trade Secretary Stephen Byers agreed that current proposals could 'create a monopoly' and he intends to seek undertaking from Serco to remedy these competition concerns. Serco has indicated its willingness to allay Government concerns by offering training courses for air controllers to rival bidders The Airline Group and Novares.

The former consists of a consortium including British Airways (LSE: BAY.L - news) ,Virgin, British Midland, Airtours (LSE: AIR.L - news) , Britannia, JMC, Monarch and easyJet. Novares is led by US owned Lockheed Martin and venture capital group Apax Partners.

Comments from these rivals must be in to the OFT by 16 February. The Government hopes to get the Nats partnership up and running by the end of March.

14th Feb 2001, 21:17
Message posted on the yahoo club for SERCO employed ATC officers:-

ATTN All Serco Controllers:

Do not respond to any messages in regards to the Grifter. This is a medium to be used against Serco and its bid for NATS!!! Lets
look out for eachother and the interest of our company. If you would like to know more about Serco and Nats feel free to give PD a
call and he will inform you of this outstanding opportunity,
____________________________________________________________ _____

What do they mean by Opportunity?
Also did you read this?......titled Red Flag
____________________________________________________________ ______
I know we're all professional Air Traffic Controllers here, and we always recognize a possible problem when it's presented; but for
those of us still in training who might want help recognizing one...here ya go:

I just read the message from Grifter, and his message content sent up red flags in my head. New poster, wanting to know
information specific to Serco about a proposed foreign contract bid. To me it seemed that the post was asking for information that
might compromise our Non-disclosure agreement (DID ANYONE KNOW THEY HAVE TO SIGN A NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT?). I called Pete to ask if he knew anything about this. He had seen the post, and
we spoke about the NATS (National Air Traffic System) bid in the UK, and the NDA.

Knowing that this is an unofficial site, until the contract is awarded for NATS, please be careful when posting comments, keep in
mind the Non-disclosure agreement, and be very aware of to whom you are chatting with (know who they are) in the site. As we all
learned when Serco almost lost the contract of area 4 to Midwest, this can be a tricky business, and an off-the-cuff remark can do
serious damage. Lets keep the big picture in mind - If Serco can win this contract, what could this mean for us in the U.S. ATC

Sorry, I'll get of my soapbox for now. Any comments?

____________________________________________________________ _____

all messages at http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/sercoatcers

PPRuNe Radar
19th Feb 2001, 15:53
Whilst still a sad taste of what might come to pass in NATS, I am reliably informed that at least one of those sacked in the ME had actually met and bettered the financial targets. However his method of doing things did not fit in with the SERCO ethos and so he was asked to consider a reduced earnings opportunity.

Maybe he actually cared about his staff and the service provided ?? http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif And we can't have that now can we.

PPRuNe Radar
ATC Forum Moderator
[email protected]