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View Full Version : OCT - module A0 (Return of the Tree-Hugger)

9th Feb 2001, 21:41
Well, it has finally started! By now the third group of ATCOs and ATSAs has commenced OCT module A0. Some have already completed the course, while at least one has declined to stay the distance.

It's early days yet, but what has been learned so far?

Well, there were absolutely no trees to hug, no piles of planks and barrels with which to make bridges, and no embarrassing role-play. The hotel is comfortable and the food is OK.

There were generous numbers of fairly-senior management figures on view (even if their faces had to be identified to some course members) and an equally generous amount of alcohol on offer. They were there to listen, which they did, but whether they heard anything remains to be seen.

The consultants running the course have an extrememly clear and accurate picture of the mood and morale amongst LATCC staff (they obviously haven't been listening to NATS management!!!), and so have a realistic vision of the mountain to be climbed.

The mixture of watches, grades and ages on each course enables people to realise that, although they may have differing priorities with their concerns, everybody has very real problems, worries and even fears, over the conduct of OCT and the final move to NERC. There is, perhaps, some comfort in the knowledge that "we are not alone".

It is also blindingly obvious that, in the minds of the staff at least, the twin issues of PPP and OCT are irredeemably linked. In particular, the ATSAs see the spectre of SERCO as a clear threat to their very survival, such that OCT is of secondary importance - not a promising portent of success. Whilst senior NATS managers may, belatedly, have come to experience the same fears, they will undoubtedly fare a good deal better than the ATSAs in any "night of the long knives".

The course is envisaged as helping staff in "Coping with Change". With the cross-section of views expressed towards NERC ranging from eager anticipation to outright hostility, the result will be difficult to quantify. Having taken part, I can detect no change in my own attitude - perhaps others will benefit more.

Intriguingly for management, the whole exercise has the potential to backfire. Allowing such a wide mixture of people to debate matters in this way could result in a much more focussed, united and vocal opposition forming, especially if the coming months do not run smoothly to plan.

Finally, I arrived home from the two days exhausted (no, it wasn't the drink!!!). The combined effects of driving an unfamiliar hire-car, new surroundings, different people, trying to sleep in an air-conditioned hotel room AND the actual course content was extremely tiring. Forget restictions to our leave and attempts to "buy back" days-in-lieu; I believe I will require additional time off to cope with the stress!!! How about it NATS?

Perhaps others would care to comment on their view of the course. Try and keep it reasonably polite (a little sniping is permissible), if only because the consulants running the course monitor this site as one means of gauging ATCO morale, and NERC isn't THEIR fault!!!

10th Feb 2001, 14:48
I can't believe it. Numpo-Nigit has crossed to 'the Dark Side'.

11th Feb 2001, 02:06
Mine's at the end of the month, but being at NERC anyway I personally fail to see the point.

11th Feb 2001, 03:38
Having just completed my course I can only say - give it chance as you may be pleasantly surprised. The chance to air your grievances and then have them passed on to management was wonderful and don't forget that the watch managers will be doing the course as well as everyone else. I would love to sit in on their courses!
The big bonus is that you don't need to take a chainsaw with you as tree hugging is not on the agenda.

11th Feb 2001, 05:11
Did we have a drink there??

11th Feb 2001, 14:29
Good couple of days, carefully pitched to not upset our ATC sensitivities so well done to the pilot group who (one assumes) tested it out.

Take3... the 'message' - should you be open to receive it - is as relevant IMHO to everyday life (i.e. kids, lovers, spouses, colleagues at LATCC) as NERC.

As ever, the opportunity for 'bonding' in the bar is an important factor!!

11th Feb 2001, 18:36
Well DB32 I hear you, I understand where you're coming from! <VBG> However I understand that the consultancy people close the bar at midnight, they want everyone tucked up in bed!!

11th Feb 2001, 23:06
Thank you DB32, hopefully we won't be the only ones to get something out of it - maybe I won't shout quite so much at my teenage daughter!!
As for the bar shutting - not when I was there. I bailed out at 0120 and I gather the proceedings finished around about 0300. So itsme , maybe we did have a drink. I'm ok, how about you?

itsme send me an e mail and I will confirm if I had far too many drinks with you.

[This message has been edited by stumlfg (edited 11 February 2001).]

12th Feb 2001, 02:56
Take 3: the 'bonding' in the bar carried on until 0400 on the session I got involved in. Maybe the consultants close their minibars at midnight but I wish I'd closed my wallet then...or maybe it was the Bradford City guys healthy preparation for the match at Southampton the next day that kept the bar open!

12th Feb 2001, 03:06
Another one who's done it. Nice to actually see inside NERC at last, deserted though it was. Numpo was correct that they have a very good idea of the state of morale at LATCC, but it seems their input point to management is at too low a level. Some scepticism as to how much notice will be taken.

Went with no idea as to what to expect, other than no trees to hug. Very surprised to learn that Watch Management had been briefed as to course content, aims etc. long ago. Did you get a briefing?? I didn't.

Enjoyed it in that we had the chance to air views in the hope that something would be done. Did I learn anything new? Not really; much of it is common sense. They did try very hard, however. It's not their fault that they have so much resentment to overcome.

12th Feb 2001, 17:21
Well personally, I have to be blunt and say that I thought it was a waste of time and money! As I said when I was down there, this sort of thing would have been far more useful when I walked off the street as a naive 20 year old and into a room with 50 other people I had never met before!

As for preparing me for operational change...well training is training- we've all done it before and will all do it again! The issue here is not the training itself, but moving to swanwick/ not getting DIL's due to us this summer/ working our balls off with minimun staff/PPP etc etc etc...

Re: the bar thing, I did hear rumours that the people running the course were moaning at the NTT lot that were also in the hotel for keeping us up late! Cheek! I'm perfectly capable of staying up late without help thanks very much!

12th Feb 2001, 19:30

May the force be with you!
Thanks, boys.

23rd Feb 2001, 03:13
Well, I'll admit I was a sceptic, but I really believe that the "team-building" courses are starting to have an effect!!!

For a start, the "tanks" are no longer operating in isolation. They have formed a Panzer Division and are, even as I type, planning a blitzkreig against the ORO.

We "snipers", not to be outdone, are no longer mere individuals. We are providing covering fire to each other across the Ops Room.

The "doormats" are....... well, who cares about the doormats anyway?

That just leaves that one person who keeps muttering "I'm OK, you're OK" - but he was always regarded as a wierdo anyway.

Well done to all the trainers !!!!!!!!!!


24th Feb 2001, 19:54
Now that the Ministry of Agriculture has imposed restrictions on the movement of cloven-hoofed creatures, due to the foot-and-mouth outbreak, does that mean that NATS managers will be unable to attend the remainder of the A0 module courses???

250 kts
24th Feb 2001, 21:36
Ah yes that's the reason none of em could be bothered to turn up one night earlier this week.