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View Full Version : PPPrepare for Delays

Watt Goesround
9th Feb 2001, 15:20
PPP looms and PPPrescott isn't listening (still) the ATC Union is about to seek a mandate via a ballot for Industrial Action. The feeling is that we will give it massive support (albeit with great reluctance). Be prepared for a series of "tube driver" type disruptions.

9th Feb 2001, 18:30
Just heard that PCS (Assistants and Admin)are almost certainly going to ballot for Industrial action

9th Feb 2001, 22:48
And PCC are almost certainly likely to vote YES for action if it comes to that.

ATSA's will be the first to get it in the neck if SERCO have anything to do with it.

"Go around..I say again...go around"

9th Feb 2001, 22:56
NiteFlight ...apparently Aviation House in Edinburgh is the first target...SERCO want to close this down ,move the pensions etc to their own place and staff...get rid of the CAA/NATS staff..and sell the building for £6M....first bit of asset stripping...Come on the Airlines Group..come and rescue us from these shisters.

9th Feb 2001, 23:45
Slurp - didnt all and sundry desert from avaition house in Edinburgh last year. I thought they were all living it up in the bright lights of Stirling, (or is that just the Inscpeticrot?).

10th Feb 2001, 00:41
Bombbay ...as far as I am aware ..Aviation House is very much up and running ...with the Pensions people etc....saw your post on the other site ...SERCO have said they will make no guarantees on pay ...conditions etc and seem unwilling to be union friendly...the other 2 appear to be much more friendly and appear to be willing to negotiate and even to remain with the status quo.SERCO are not going to be £XXX millions in without wanting £XXX + millions out ...something has to give

10th Feb 2001, 17:23
I've gotta say, the preferred backer for me has to be Judas Branson and the airline constortium. As a controller I don't believe they would even try to screw us around on pay & conditions, BA learnt their lesson when cabin crew went out three years ago. It cost the company millions, BA achieved little from it and lost face to shareholders, the city and customers.

Today's enviroment is very much different to the Reagan years of "sack the lot". Its an intense service sector industry and a volatile market. We have to send the message "you screw us around, and we will hit you where it hurts most".

This is not the mining years of strike action where the government had money to waste and could sit tight and watch miners slowly lose faith and their lively hoods.

We have every commercial airline by the short and curlies and there is not a company in existance in the world that could pick up the pieces of a strike at LATCC/SCATCC without our help. The french regularly cause us chaos dont they ? Our Chaos would be much bigger !

My bigest worry is for the ATSA's, Engineers, and Admin staff. We have to be united and not just fight for our own security like selfish individuals. Reducing costs by means of their jobs does not necessarily affect safety does it ? I beg to differ, it puts a strain on the operation of the company. If it already works successfully, DONT TRY TO FIX IT. If its necessary to have highly paid skilled individuals on the wings or maintaining equipment to the highest standard, well then its NECESSARY !

The Unions need to Ballot, and ballot now, lets have an overwhelming response that we will strike and strike again over a profit making company.

Lastly I'm not a little wet behind the ears, I do know we carry some dead wood in this company that needs to go. Any descent management worthy of their cash would have done something about this yonks ago, but if we had management that had any backbone to stand up to govt, then maybe we wouldnt be in this mess now !