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View Full Version : Vortex Wake?!?! ...HELP!

7th Feb 2001, 16:35
Hi, I have my interview for NATS in 2 weeks.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to find out what VORTEX WAKE is?
BETTER STILL...try to explain it to me?!
I know this probably sounds stupid to you all!!

Thank you,

[This message has been edited by MCH2000 (edited 07 February 2001).]

7th Feb 2001, 16:51
Vortex wake is the turbulent motion of air following an aircraft once it is airbourne caused by the processes of lift. It generates from the wing tips and then spirals in a tornado type action downwards, aftwards and outwards!! Flying thro' vortex wake causes high roll rates which can exceed the structural limits of the airframe, therefore is very a serious consideration. Generally, aircraft are most affected by the vortex produced by similar type a/c or bigger, ie a B737 is unlikely to affect a B747 etc, but the other way around can be fatal. On the flight progress strips we are given vortex categories, either (L)ight, (S)mall, (M)edium, or (H)eavy. A table is produced for approach control to give the minimum distances between categories on landing, ie a (L)ight has to be 8 miles behind a (H)eavy on finals minimum. On departure, from the same roll point, if the one ahead is heavier, dep interval has to be min. 2mins although the pilot may accept an earlier interval at their discression. Otherwise the minimum is one min, but this is just based on vortex, there are also departure intervals based on speed and route. Helicopters are slightly different, although they still produce the same vortex patterns coming off the outer edges of the rotation. Like for like though, they produce more vortex due to the combination of the downdraft. Hope this is what your after MCH2000, and good luck!! :)

8th Feb 2001, 02:30
Thank you very much..........explained well....I understand it!!

Thanks again!!
