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1st Feb 2001, 03:20
Hello - I is a pilot and have posted a topic on CRM(called BOLLOCK) in the ROTORHEAD forum......I would love some input from some ATC personnel..the topic has been running a while so this is more of an advert really....I think a broader spectrum of viewpoints might prove interesting.... hope some of you take a look and my thanks in advance for your inputs!
Eden (Energy Driven Eccentric Nirvana)

[This message has been edited by eden (edited 31 January 2001).]

2nd Feb 2001, 05:32
Hey Guys'n' Gals come on down - I just want a view on How you perceivethe big picture might be improved to make the whole aviation game a safer and more inclusive place......go on take a look and tell us a story




2nd Feb 2001, 12:09
Hi Eden.. I went down.. and I'm not sure what I can add. What input exactly do you want from ATC?

(Licenced UK ATCO; held licence 34 years. Several years overseas experience and last 29 involved with Heathrow Tower/Approach..)

3rd Feb 2001, 20:29
Thanks for looking ..... I think CRM training has a broader role to play ... I think getting every constituent part of the flying game involved will make aviation an even safer place to work in and around. We hear of the pressures of each others jobs ...let's share some thoughts ....either in the forum or better still at a CRM course that has representatives from the entire flying fraternity.

Do ATCO's do ATRM? or some similiar course?

[This message has been edited by eden (edited 03 February 2001).]

4th Feb 2001, 02:55
Hi eden,

NATS are rolling out a Team Resource Management Course this year. Mine is in March; I'll let you know my impressions.

6th Feb 2001, 04:15
Hey - howzabout that then? Very interested to learn more.....ie Who's giving the course, it's content and it's potential to be linked in with that of pilots.

There has got to be some mileage in getting us doing a Joint RM course which addresses the whole aviation process.

Do you have any current dits that highlight good and bad communication 'tween ATC and Aircrew? If so SPIN the DIT ....it would be good to hear your thoughts.

Ta very much
