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30th Jan 2001, 22:15
Hello folks,

I would like to become an ATC, but not sure if I would pass the entry qualifications because I left school at 16 so I don't have any higher education certificates. I worked for a Helicopter company in Operations and then became a Helicopter Crewman. I now work as a Operations Officer at an FBO in Glasgow.

I'm 22 on the 31st of Jan << a wee plug for my birthday!!!, I just wonder if they will notice I have had no higher education and throw out my application or will they value practical experience in Aviation as a substitute, any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

30th Jan 2001, 22:58
Deek... there isn't anyone on here who can answer your question. The way to find out if you qualify to apply for a position with NATS is to obtain details of the qualifactions required from NATS and see if you fit the bill. Things may have changed but in earlier years they wanted either the correct educational requirements OR recent aircrew (pilot/nav) or ATC experience.

Of course, anyone can undertake a training course at their own expense to obtain an ATC Licence but they may not get employment with NATS..

Good luck..

30th Jan 2001, 23:11

If I recall, the literature calls for you to have STUDIED A-Levels and not PASSED them.I applied half way through mine and I was accepted on the strength of my predicted grades, so they may be flexible.

Good luck.


31st Jan 2001, 00:33
Gonzo - I agree. I also applied before I finished my A-levels, and was told the grades weren't important anyway. (As showed, as I didn't do too well, but still got the job 3 years later) Deeko01, you still have to have proof of further education, be it A-levels or BTEC etc.

31st Jan 2001, 01:50

Everyone's harping on about A-levels, i.e. further education, I notice you ask about higher education, i.e. a degree, and, basically, a lot of ATCO's don't have them so don't worry and good luck!!

31st Jan 2001, 03:12
Think Deeko is a Scot, therefore when he talks of "higher education," he means "A" level equivalent.

31st Jan 2001, 03:48
As he left school at 16, then any sort of education other than GCSE's is out of the question, unless he's a boy genius????

land at your discretion
31st Jan 2001, 20:01
Heathrow Director, you say you can fund a course yourself to bcome an ATCO, I am thinking of doing this myself at the moment since NATS will not take me on, do you know of anybody who has paid for theire own course?

31st Jan 2001, 20:54
I know several ATCOs who have funded their own courses but, unfortunately, it was long ago and I've lost contact. I'd bet that if you went to any reasonable sized any non-state ATC unit there would be DIY ATCOs around.. Various non-state places do (or did) sponsor trainees at the College of Knowledge at Bournemouth but I suspect the candidadtes are mainly staff employed at ATCAs, etc. The other place to try would be Bailbrook College (if it still exists).

land at your discretion
31st Jan 2001, 23:56
Thanks Heathrow Director, it does and I will.

1st Feb 2001, 00:44
NATS require you to have studied to at least A level standard, however they will consider your application on the merit of your aviation experience with the helicopters, this "should" be sufficient for them to allow you to go through the selection process.
The only rel way to find out is to apply.
Good luck

Turn left heading 230, close from the left, report established

1st Feb 2001, 01:56
Suggest you look at www.nats.co.uk (http://www.nats.co.uk) Have a browse and see what you think. It looks to me that you should stand a chance.

Good luck

1st Feb 2001, 04:05
Deek, you mention NATS but have you considered becoming a military ATCO? Worth a try if STAN turns you down and it is a prety good way of life.
More controlling and less procedural plus you do get to travel with the sqns now and again. Pop into your local RAF Careers Disinformation Office and tell them you want to be a commissioned ATCO, when they have got their breath back tell them that you are serious and see how it goes......Just a thought.


[This message has been edited by SATCOS WHIPPING BOY (edited 01 February 2001).]

2nd Feb 2001, 15:28
Whipping Boy, I'm not slagging, angling for a nibble or anything, but could you explain "more controlling and less procedural"? I'm intrigued (honest) http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/confused.gif
P.S. They may want to try the RN Careers Disinformation Office as well! After all they had an air force before your lot were born :)

Edited for smart RN remark, spelling, smiley etc, in fact almost everything!

I Keep Mine Hidden

[This message has been edited by RogerOut (edited 02 February 2001).]

2nd Feb 2001, 22:26
Roger Out

Very true about the RN flying long before RAF... in fact the Royal Naval Air Service and the Royal Flying Corps almagamated to form the RAF on the 1st April 1918 - surely the longest running April fools joke in history!!

Rod in hand, waiting for the bite!!


On a serious note - the Navy and the RAF are very short of ATCO's at the moment, however, if you do not have Highers or A levels, your chances of joining as an ATCO are slim - you are better trying NATS make sure you emphasise your experience as a Crewy and on Base Ops.

You can download an application form at the NATS website - address above - and send it in electronically or print it and send by snail mail

Hope you had a good birthday.