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View Full Version : Govt. lose in the Lords again

Der SimMeister
28th Nov 2000, 02:07
just seen on the BBC that the Government lost another vote in the Lords on the NATS PPP, by 7 votes.
There is now strong speculation that the NATS PPP portion of the Transport Bill may now be shelved, or the whole Transport bill may be lost due to running out of Parliamentry time.

North of the Border
28th Nov 2000, 02:14
Superb. I bet 2 jags and Lord Gus McDonald are livid. Lets hope that do do drop the plan.


North of the Border
28th Nov 2000, 02:19
Sorry It should say Lets hope they do drop the plan


28th Nov 2000, 02:30
Those lovely Lords and Ladies have done it again, unfortunately 7 votes isn't much of a margin, and if they hurry, the government could manage to get it all heard one more time (risking losing the whole transport bill).
If they don't then it'll have to be a manifesto promise for the next general election.
So two jags what's it to be fifty fifty or ask the audience, unfortunatley I don't think you have any friends to phone

Turn left heading 230, close from the left, report established

28th Nov 2000, 04:06
North of the Border, your use of "doo doo" was closer to the mark!!!

Lie like your political life depends on it - it does!

Late Downwind
28th Nov 2000, 05:04
There was mention of the government offering to delay the process by three months, by way of some sort of concession. Not sure what that would achieve ... apart for prolonging the uncertainty regarding the whole issue. Anyone any ideas as to what that's about?

North of the Border
28th Nov 2000, 23:51
Someone said that Lord McDonald had conceded the pension rights in a TV interview. Anybody else hear this or have any details?


Roger That
29th Nov 2000, 01:56
Lord McDonald made mention of acceding to pension rights during last night's Newsnight Interview. He went on to say [with some confidence] that the Gvmnt are likely to take a 3 month delay [to allow them to amplify the detail of why PPP's going to be safe] before sending it back to the Lords again as he expects them to have got it out of their system by then (ok i'm para-phrasing a bit).

Deep Joy !!