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View Full Version : Flight progress board layout

26th Nov 2000, 11:54
Dear colleagues.
Working in Tallinn we almost 10 years using paper strips and flight progress board.Our flight progress board layout for Terminal area designed on geographical princip. Our TMA controller is responsible for vectoring arriving and issuing clearance and controlling departing traffic, also he is bisy with the overflights up to FL245.
Our administration suggested to use a new layout with no geographical princip, but with princip very similar, which use arriving or departing unit. Other words controller have to solve all conflicts using one bay on the strip progress board.
Do you have any suggestions or documents how it should be? Because we can see the new system is quite dangerous in our situation.

Lew Ton
26th Nov 2000, 13:48

Is there anything wrong with the old system? Has there been an incident(s) where it has been shown that the old layout was a causal factor? If not, why are the 'admins' seeking to make changes? 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it!' which, if you are not use to colloquial English, means do not change something for the sake of making change.

Here, before we bring in a new procedure or new piece of quipment, we would write a Safety Case. A Safety Case is a formal argument that what you are doing, or about to do, is safe. As well as detailing the new procedure/equipment, it would also contain a Hazard Analysis/Risk Assessment showing that you/they have considered any risk that the new system has, and what you/they have done to either eliminate or mitigate (i.e. reduce) the risk. It should also contain how you are going to make the transition from the old system to the new, safely, and what training needs to be given to the staff.

There, that should give them something to think about!! (Gosh, this is a bit heavy for a Sunday morning.)

Good luck! :)

Lew Ton
26th Nov 2000, 14:01
Hmmm, having read my reply please let me add something.

I think there is sometimes a tendency within ATC to resist all change, even where there could be benefits. Do keep an open mind. If the admins think there are benefits get them to state what they are, and then use the Safety Case principle to prove or disprove it.