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View Full Version : Privatisation Interview?

SI Student
25th Nov 2000, 03:26
Can anybody help?

My name is Duncan Smith

I am a student at the Surrey Institute of Art and Design in Farnham, UK, studying for a degree in Journalism.

Currently, I am doing a radio project about the proposed Air Traffic Control Public-Private Partnership in Britain.

Therefore, I would like, if convenient, to interview an Air Traffic Controller about this issue.

If any Air Traffic Controllers out there can spare 10 minutes of their time for either a face-to-face or telephone interview, I would be most grateful.

Please feel free to contact me any time via my e-mail address:

[email protected]

Thank you very much

25th Nov 2000, 03:32
You must be joking.............I don't want anything I say to be mis-quoted or taken out of context. Call NATS senior Management - they're all ATCOs.

25th Nov 2000, 03:36
Sorry Duncan,
Major NO NO, a group of instructors at the college nearly ended up in th almighty sh*te for writing a letter to the papers about PPP.
The emplyee handbook forbids any of us from communicating with the media on the issue, however our wives, husbands, etc can!!!
Try that route, you may have more success

Turn left heading 230, close from the left, report established

[This message has been edited by form49 (edited 24 November 2000).]

Not Long Now
25th Nov 2000, 14:48
Not that the company are paranoid or anything, but I believe one of our colleagues received a formal warning for writing a letter to his local paper on the subject. Tow the company line or else..?

daft fader
25th Nov 2000, 20:05
Good luck, but as you can see from the previous replies,our leaders have what has been described by other journalists as "a Stalinist obsession with secrecy". sadly it seems that NATS employees do not have the same human rights that everybody else in this country takes for granted.

26th Nov 2000, 21:28
Now, wouldn't bagging a few ATCO interviews on our views on PPP be a great way of getting yourself known in the journalistic industry?

If no one will speak to established journalists, what makes you think we will help start the career of a young pretender?

Chilli Monster
28th Nov 2000, 17:15

I'd say you've got two hopes - and one of those plays GOLF :)