View Full Version : Oh my lordy lord...

Billy Onions
12th Nov 2004, 13:35
OH :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: yes yes yes yes. Right then I only passed the bloody interview. OK Probably no big deal to you already doing the job but this is proper life-changing stuff. Massive massive thank you to all the helpful souls and postings on the site that helped enormously. Especially to Gilaine, Duncanindevon (rock on Lands End), MickRobbo, AlphaSierra and Fidgell. God bless you for your time and decent PM's and I look forward more than you can imagine to that trip to Bournemouth.

12th Nov 2004, 13:52
Congrats Billy. Well done.:D

12th Nov 2004, 13:53
Good luck Billy.. Hope it works out fine for you and you enjoy a fantastic career...

Standard Noise
12th Nov 2004, 15:11
Run away, Billy! Run away while there's still time!:}

Failing that good luck............................... and remember, if you leave NATS, you'll never get a three hour coffee break again!;)

12th Nov 2004, 15:25
<<remember, if you leave NATS, you'll never get a three hour coffee break again>>

Or 181 days off every year...

Standard Noise
12th Nov 2004, 15:33
S'awright HD, 180 days off ain't too bad. Mind you, I had to make do with a 2 hour coffee break this morno, and an eg. :{

12th Nov 2004, 19:04
Congrats Billy....

Just dont blame me in years to come when NATS moves you to the arsehole of the world to work!!! ;)

bagpuss lives
12th Nov 2004, 23:38
Wherever could you mean Fidgell? :E

14th Nov 2004, 07:12
<<Just dont blame me in years to come when NATS moves you to the arsehole of the world to work!!! >>

That's where I worked before joining NATS!!! There isn't ANYWHERE in NATS that deserves that description..

15th Nov 2004, 17:50
Well done! Plenty more hurdles in the future, but the first few are always the hardest, so well done again. Must have been your fun-filled visit to the end of the land wot done it... :E


15th Nov 2004, 20:53
Congratulations Billy!

Best of luck! I hope to hear you someday!


16th Nov 2004, 12:53
Wonder where our retired colleague thinks I mean??? Are we all thinking of the same location??? Surely not :E