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View Full Version : A question of time and distance..........

PPRuNe Pop
11th Nov 2004, 17:06
As I get older I am having difficulty with tiddly fiddly maths. An answer to this would be most appreciated.

I need to know how long it would take to travel 25 yards in a car doing 3-4 mph. Seems simple but I damned if I can get my head round it - like I said................................................:8



11th Nov 2004, 17:55
If the car is doing 3 miles/hour it is doing 3x1.760 yards in sixty minutes
5.280 yards in 3.600 seconds

(3.600 / 5.280) x 25 = 17 sec

PPRuNe Pop
11th Nov 2004, 18:48
I knew I could rely on someone. Thank you very much. It is, I assure you, a great help.

Many thanks.


11th Nov 2004, 19:05
yard conversions

A unit of length equal to 3 feet; defined as 91.44 centimeters; originally taken to be the average length of a stride

11th Nov 2004, 19:24
Ah - the words of digiyoof...

PPRune Pop, remember the old '60 mph is 88 ft/sec' thing from prep school?

Call 3 mph 1/20th of 60 mph, then that's 4.4 ft/sec

25 yds is 75 ft.

Time is dist/speed, thus time is 750/44 sec.

Which is 1/4 of 750/11

Say after me, "Eleven into 75 is 6, carry 8. 11 into 90 is 8, carry 2, eleven into 20 is - call it 2.

So that's 68.2 divided by 4

Which is a tadge over 17 sec.

Or at 4 mph, 3/4 of that - so that's seven threes are 21 plus 30 equals 51 divided by 4. Twelve fours are 48, so that's 12 3/4 sec.

For digiyoof, make that 12.78409090909090 sec.....

Calculators - Bah, humbug!


And, another useful prep school piece of knowledge, a yard was actually the distance between Henry VIIIth's extended forefinger with his arm outstretched to his side parallel to the ground and the tip of his nose. Ask PPRuNe Pop - he was probably there at the time!

11th Nov 2004, 19:46
try this....


11th Nov 2004, 19:49
... oh dear ... if I pulled mine out of the bottom drawer .. I would need to skim the manual to do much more than C/D calcs ...

PPRuNe Pop
11th Nov 2004, 20:11
Thanks catchup, I got one of those somewhere.

BEags, you say the nicest things. Do you realise how long ago prep school was? Well we won't go into that. But................me ole flower.............when it catches you up....................you might be asking questions. :p ;) But the calcs I do remember - almost -- thanks.

Gave everyone a grin or two. Thanks again.

Btw BEags. Kathryn hopes you are well, or was it Anne - can't remember - see! :E

11th Nov 2004, 20:55
Probably it was Catherine. A bit of a goer, one understands, unlike the Flanders Mare!

A, ab, absque, coram, de.......

Ten sixty-six to ten eighty-seven, ten eighty-seven to eleven hundred, eleven hundred to eleven thirty-five.....

Fife, Lothian, Dumbarton, Lanark, Ayr...

So much of prep school time was spent learning lists and lists of facts!

And laughing at the antics of Molesworth...

And getting told off for watching Hunters, Sea Vixens etc out of the window instead of learning about Gerundive Attraction!

And the history master has just given me 200 lines - "It was Henry 1, not Henry VIII who defined the yard!"........

12th Nov 2004, 09:23
Ah catchup, memories, memories.

We actually used those things to figure out some serious stuff in the Good Old Days and rarely broke anything. As JT says, I too would be flat out to get any reasonable answers nowadays!! :ok: