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EGCC Rwy 24
15th Nov 2000, 23:45
Is it just my imagination or are a lot of Rwy 24R departures on, I suspect, Pole Hill SIDs, getting an early heading (something like direct Ottringham)?

It's especially noticeable in the early evening, and I get a much better view as planes now pass directly overhead my house!

No complaint by the way, just keen to understand whether something has changed!


No speed Restriction
16th Nov 2000, 03:06
Tends to be that aircraft on Stock deps are "turned and burned" out of 4000 feet ( the lowest we can turn them due noise), this allows us to get them inside the aircraft routeing downwind from Mirsi. The outbounds tend to be on any heading from 060 to 085 to either jump aircraft on the ILS or to parallel B1 towards OTR. This is also a good ploy with POL deps to scotland...hope this helps

16th Nov 2000, 14:07
At that time in the evening there are a preponderance of STOCK/POL departures so you may be more aware of them than normal.
As NSR says the Area bods "turn and burn" to help us Tower and Approach people out. The last thing any of us want is an outbound trapped underneath an inbound. We can't descend, they can't climb, it's not pretty!
Great teamwork!

MACC 29 all the time!!!!
18th Nov 2000, 01:40
Help you out!!! thought it was so we got the a/c out of your airpace as you guys tend to get in the way!!!! ;p

18th Nov 2000, 15:49
Not much turning and burning on S29 is there...yawn zzzz
Good point though, it is our RMA. You guys can send aircraft on whatever heading you want, ours HAVE to get to the ILS, preferably without encountering any of yours on their way!!!