View Full Version : Last minute input....

Billy Onions
8th Nov 2004, 09:09
Right then chaps & chappesses I've got my interview on Wednesday, I've been over the downloaded booklets, read through Duke's ABC and tried a few sections of MATS Part 1. Any little titbits of helpful information that might rescue a couple of questions, or make my backside seem a little bit shinier to those at NATS will be gloriously & gratefully received.


Billy Onions

8th Nov 2004, 09:18

By the sounds of things you have prepared thoroughly for the technical interview. Make sure you have done some prep for the personnel interview, come up with some/many examples of when you have had to work under pressure, as part of a team, using good common sense etc etc. There are 60 of these questions and that was the worst part of my interview(s).

Best of luck, Mick.

Vlad the Impaler
8th Nov 2004, 15:16
LISTEN to the questions..........
and good luck !!!!!:ok:

8th Nov 2004, 18:44
Billy... check your PMs ;)