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9th Nov 2000, 21:31
Does anyone know of any accomodation near Hurn.

I am looking for a 1 bedroom flat, or something close to this


9th Nov 2000, 22:25
I can recommend somewhere that isn't a flat if you like. I used to live at a place in Boscombe on Penrith Road. The lady who runs it is really cool and she always has loads of controllers staying there. All of the rooms are really nice and you can come and go as you please (she is very open minded as well). She also cooks meals as well (normally at 6pm) which is good, especially if you've had a hard day at the college and don't feel like fixing yourself something.
Her details are:
Ruth Roberts
8, Penrith Road,
(01202) 301352

9th Nov 2000, 23:46
She must be open minded if she let you stay there halo!!!

10th Nov 2000, 03:54
God Yes!!!!!! ;) ;) ;)

10th Nov 2000, 03:54
For what it's worth, most SATCs seem to congregate in and around Boscombe.

Of course, those of us who were more sophisticated resided in Ferndown.... ;) ;)


[This message has been edited by Gonzo (edited 09 November 2000).]

10th Nov 2000, 04:13
If you do decide to stay around Boscombe don't go near Jazy B's! You will need a medical recourse!!!

10th Nov 2000, 04:37

Are you starting at the college soon? January by any chance? If you are, drop me a line... I'm starting in January provided the medical went OK!

If you're not then just ignore this message http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif

Cheers, Jas.

Dog On Wheels
10th Nov 2000, 04:54
Mmm. Boscombe. Truly the fragrant flower of Dorset.

If you're not in too much of a hurry to get a flat, you could stay in a guest house like the majority of your future colleagues until you've searched around a bit. Plenty of guest houses, and muchos cheapness. A lot of stude controllers seem to stay in the multitude of places on Westby Road in Boscombe. It has lots of local charm. Ahem.

And I agree, avoid Jazzy B's like the plague. In a very literal and medical sense.

Goldfish Watcher
10th Nov 2000, 19:12
Hey! Don't mock Jazy's

Thursday nights/Friday Mornings, staggering out of OH, Jazy B's for Kebab. Admit it, at least you don't mind throwing up something you ate from Jazy B's.

Seriously though, it's not a bad idea to at least start off in a B&B for a few weeks to find your way around. And since most CATC freshers start there, it's a good way of getting involved in the social scene.

Also, no point in taking out a 6 month lease on a place when you don't know how long you are going to be there ;) - After Highfield, we started at College on a Monday and someone had jacked it by Wednesday lunchtime (anyone remember Stig?).

One last point - don't bother trawling through the CATC accommodation list, it's woefully out of date.

Have fun.

cleared2land 27left
10th Nov 2000, 20:29
I remeber STIG!

Hey GW where are you based??

You wont take long to work out who i am!

Goldfish Watcher
10th Nov 2000, 20:36

Are you at EGLL per chance?

[This message has been edited by Goldfish Watcher (edited 10 November 2000).]

Goldfish Watcher
10th Nov 2000, 20:50
someone posted at 1643 and it's invisible.
was it you c2l?

Or was it because I edited my previous message?.....................

[This message has been edited by Goldfish Watcher (edited 10 November 2000).]

cleared2land 27left
10th Nov 2000, 20:59
Yes it was me it went along the lines of:


My starter question for you was which part of the country do you come from?

Goldfish Watcher
10th Nov 2000, 21:00
A cold place where the men wear skirts?

Are you a descendant of the same place - but not with the accent?

cleared2land 27left
10th Nov 2000, 21:19

So that narrows it doon a tad.

Did you sit near the front, in the middle or at the back?

Goldfish Watcher
10th Nov 2000, 22:45
One row from the back

I take it you sat at the front and had a nickname that began with 'B'?

[This message has been edited by Goldfish Watcher (edited 10 November 2000).]

10th Nov 2000, 23:13
Does the nickname go in front of your surname to give a famous WW2 pilot!!?!?!?!

Let me in to your game you rascals.....please!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, this is turning into a gay chat page - sorry INTEL!!!

Goldfish Watcher
11th Nov 2000, 00:50
Postman Prat

You got the Jock bit right anyway.

Cleared2land, I'll e-mail you

[This message has been edited by Goldfish Watcher (edited 10 November 2000).]

Der Sim-Meister
12th Nov 2000, 00:02
I think I have worked out which course you lot were on!!
You ex-ferndown residents were Northerners - wern't u?

cleared2land 27left
12th Nov 2000, 03:53
Gold are your initals GR?

Or am i thinking of someone else???

And Bright its just a bit of fun, lighten up

Goldfish Watcher
12th Nov 2000, 18:01
And cleared to land, your initials are DA and you drive an Audi? (I don't have your e-mail address - either e-mail me or give me a ring - we need to arrange beers)

Der SimMeister, A clue to your Identity? Area Sims perhaps?

PPRuNe Radar
12th Nov 2000, 18:28
Tell you what guys, why not just to come to the Gatwick Bash on 1st December wearing pink carnations and the rest of us can guess who's who ?? :rolleyes: ;)

PPRuNe Radar
ATC Forum Moderator
[email protected]

Goldfish Watcher
12th Nov 2000, 21:41
Pink carnation? there's a joke about Roland Rat in there somewhere!

Der Sim-Meister
13th Nov 2000, 00:31
GW - nope, well I am area-trained but never do it these days, normally to be found stitching up the relative newbies on Aerodrome! or approach :-)

13th Nov 2000, 01:30
Sim Meister,

And to be found at Dean Park on a Saturday afternoon??

13th Nov 2000, 03:17
Der Sim Meister,

Although it may seem like it some days, (especially during R1 Summatives and Pack and Gap), I think "newbie" is a bit harsh for your local friendly APR students!! :)

cleared2land 27left
13th Nov 2000, 04:15
Newbie, I remeber being one of those, S hit that was over 2 years ago. As they say time flies when your having fun (on someone elses licence!) But boy do i miss that eternal phrase "clocks off"

GW, does your email end in bunmail.com???

13th Nov 2000, 21:15
G-W and C2land27L,

Too many clues have given you away, it would appear you know a Muppet!!!!

Turn left heading 230, close from the left, report established

Goldfish Watcher
13th Nov 2000, 21:59
C2L - yes

Form49, you might be right, I think I once tried to chat up miss Piggy in the Zoo and Cage


Der Sim-Meister
14th Nov 2000, 00:08
well i guess APR is past the newbie stage, especially for you military re-treads :-)
was referring more to ADC1 really.

As for Dean Park, well they stopped playing first-class cricket there in 1991!

[This message has been edited by Der Sim-Meister (edited 13 November 2000).]

14th Nov 2000, 00:50

...are you someone who has the same first name as 007, and is an avid Cherry Boy....Ooopps, I meant fan!?

Der SimMeister
14th Nov 2000, 02:17
hey Bright-Ling
which course were you on?
you're not far away, by the way :-)

[email protected]

cleared2land 27left
14th Nov 2000, 03:11
We do know a muppet!

GW who was Miss P? Did she have a military background??? http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/redface.gif

cleared2land 27left
14th Nov 2000, 03:11
We do know a muppet!

GW who was Miss P? Did she have a military background??? http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/redface.gif

cleared2land 27left
14th Nov 2000, 03:21
How did i do that? Post twice at the same time????

16th Nov 2000, 00:03
Yah, we do get everywhere!

Not sure about your meeting Miss Piggy, though, maybe it was one too many nights in Bar Vin!!!!!!


16th Nov 2000, 22:37
Christ Almighty its like Who's Who in here!! Major apologies for hijacking Intels thread on accomodation then. Well, I know all of you!!! And isn't the guy with the World War 2 Prefix name my housemate?? Should I be scared?? Should I run away screaming "This is all too familiar"?? Or should I do what I always do in times of crisis.... Dye my hair blonde and wear t-shirts with swear words on them *laughs*!!!!
Why don't we arrange for ALL of us to go for a beer together?? Surely that would be a good idea. Or maybe a curry?? Chinese?? Thai?? Fish And Chips?? Beefeater?? Harvester?? (We are allowed to advertise aren't we?? *laughs*). Or maybe you all want to come to the Bash on December the 1st. For those of you who know me I am taking the car and there are 3 places available!! Answers on a postcard please

16th Nov 2000, 23:30

Well you should know me, we were on the same course! :) If you fancy a scoop sometime, drop me a line.


cleared2land 27left
17th Nov 2000, 03:43
Halo, ill take a place in your car mate!

So you know who i am, how many others do? I remember telling that WW2 bloke who i was when we were down at the graduation (i was drunk, and so was he but dont think he slept in the bath that time ;) )

Goldfish Watcher
18th Nov 2000, 01:25
I don't know who anyone is anymore!
