View Full Version : Rude and Arrogant

2nd Nov 2000, 23:42
To all the aircrew that have operated into Dubai over the last few weeks. I would like to apologise for NOT being rude and arrogant to you all , including the DHC6 that lined up without clearence , the A310 that crossed the parallel runway without clearence, the 747 that landed without clearance and to the numerous various types that calls were repeated 3 or 4 times. To those that followed instructions I would like to thank, as it made the days and the job a lot more rewarding.
To those of you that received opposite direction landings/departures thank you for all your help in making them possible for you.
Once more I Apologise for Not being rude and arrogant.

Happiness is Runway ahead.

3rd Nov 2000, 16:09
That's the spirit...get it out of your system!!

Better than rushing down to the Airline Operator's and punching one of them. In fact..........!

Late Landing
8th Nov 2000, 11:12
... very quiet ... where are all the comments now??? Perhaps the truth hurts - there is a dire lack of professionalism / understanding displayed by (some) operators in the area! Any wonder that some requests are treated with disdain.

My views are personal and DEFINITELY don't reflect those of my employer!

[This message has been edited by Late Landing (edited 08 November 2000).]