View Full Version : Luton ATC

1st Nov 2000, 21:24
Luton ATC today became a NATS unit following many months of negotiations between the airport, UNISON the trade union representing ATC staff, NATS management and our repsective trade unions (PCS & IPMS).

Radar will re-locate into West Drayton during spring 2001.

2nd Nov 2000, 00:01
Has everyone signed contracts then???

Did they do OK after TUPE??

Next stop Southampton......then Bournemouth.....then....????!!!!?!?!?!

2nd Nov 2000, 01:40
TUPE was involved, but only as I understand it from sources there, due to NATS being unable to offer a similar 'Close to London' salary for radar contollers rejected for a transfer into TC?

Luton due to its proximity to the capital has had no choice, but to offer ATCO 2 type salaries to its radar ATCO's, so when we (NATS) decided that the Luton based VCR operation would be ATCO 3 scale, those remaining at Luton with a radar rating and not being given the chance of re-location into LATCC would have suffered.

As I understand it, some were not allowed to re-locate into TC even thogh they were interviewed for thier own job! So they protected their salary and invoked TUPE. (Transfer of the undertaking, protection of employment). Some of our own staff are now being trained to do thier job!

Luton had a salary that reflected its location close to London, so those with a radar rating and rejected by our employer for a transfer into TC have decided to chance employment law.

Otherwise, those folk there are very happy to be joining a company about to be part privatised like they were after the council handed over the running of its airport to a High St banking name!

Generally happiness, but with reservations realting to PPP!

2nd Nov 2000, 22:23
Welcome to the mad house, Luton.

3rd Nov 2000, 01:34
Thank you. We're hoping to raise standards in general. :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

3rd Nov 2000, 18:41

'ark at yoooo!

Welcome aboard (did you bring our rudder back?!?!?!)