View Full Version : Take5, are you out there?

1st Jul 2001, 11:36
Take5, just wondering what happened to you after we at Ice Station Zebra hijacked your thread :) :) :)

Hope you got a visit somewhere, but I assume it wasn't to us!!!

1st Jul 2001, 22:11

I've acquired a new name! Visited EGPH a month ago, start at the college in July. Enjoy the thread!!

wat tyler
1st Jul 2001, 22:20
Wahey. Let's get this one to 100+ posts too Odi!

Bizzy. Enjoy yourself, and remember, for the Approach Radar course, you know what to say.
Trouble is you have to mean it:-o)

1st Jul 2001, 22:47
Wattie - and look what happens if you don't mean it, you fail to validate and get sent to a tower only unit just outside London.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Bizzy - best of luck with the course. Come and do your OJT with us for six weeks, we'll soon put you right to the ways of the world. Directions to get here are easy, head towards the north pole and turn left just before Norway!! :) :)

Edited due to smilie failure!!

[This message has been edited by Odi (edited 01 July 2001).]

5th Jul 2001, 01:46
Guys, NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! don't even think about it.......

Oh go on then!

To infinity and beyond

8th Jul 2001, 21:12
Now if the below facts aren't true, may I be glazed in honey.

From what I hear from ISZ, several students who went there on OJT requested that they return as a posting .

This means that there must be something going for the place which outweighs all the perceived negativity from Bournemouth (Centre of the Universe)

When people tell you dreadful things about Aberdeen, look them in the eye and ask them if they've ever been. I bet they haven't. ;)

PATCC forever
9th Jul 2001, 00:29
OK you soccer fans at Ice Station Zebra.

What's this David Rowson like?

10th Jul 2001, 05:15
Looks like you won't get your honey glazed coating! The last few studes do want to come back. Who can blame them with so many distilleries on the doorstep, good curry houses nearby, the odd smattering of fine hostelries, roads that you can actually drive on and enjoy driving on (provided the cops don't spoil your day with a hairdryer or polaroid!), oh and unit and people aren't too bad either! ( That last bit was just for you Boss, know you like the odd read! :D :D :D :D )

PATCC forever,
Did he play for Aberdeen then? If he did and they have sold him, then he must be sh one t!!! You will notice from the above that I didn't include the football team! :D