View Full Version : Windsocks

4th Oct 1999, 22:31
In my old age I seem to be finding it harder and harder to spot the occasional windsock amongst all the background clutter of major airports.I find them a very useful indication of what the wind is actually doing
much more so than a wind read out from the tower!Why not position a lighted sock one third of the runway length each end in on the left,then we would Know where to look!!I seem to remember a recommendation about more windsocks came out from the BA Manchester 737 disaster enquiry but does not seem to have been acted upon by the major UK airport operators.Any thoughts from you ATCers??

U R NumberOne
4th Oct 1999, 23:02
Just as a point of interest, at the airfield I work we have a windsock abeam each threashold and one roughly mid-point. Despite having a very good wind indicating system I do find I spend a lot of time looking at the windsocks and even smoke from chimneys etc, to get a full idea of what's blowin' around me.