View Full Version : Arranging a Student Visa for the USA

7th Oct 2004, 09:05
Does anyone have any information on how you go about getting a student visa for training in the USA? Contact details for the US embassy in the UK etc?

I have read the very helpfull NAC thread but it seems things keep on changing!

Do I need to go all the way to London for a meeting at the embassy etc?

Charlie Zulu
7th Oct 2004, 09:33
Hi bose-x,

Firstly you need to enroll at a visa approved school. An approved school will have access to the Immigration SEVIS computer system.

They will enter your details onto the computer system and this will generate an I20M form. They will send you this form.

Once you have the I20M form you can contact the UK US Embassy on the premium rate number to book an appointment, this is assuming you are between the ages of 14 and 79. The number is 09055-444546 [http://www.usembassy.org.uk/cons_web/visa/niv/interview.htm]. I'm sure the age range used to be 16 to 60, so things have changed again.

Once you have done that you will be required to fill in the following forms:


Pay the visa application fee which is currently £60 [http://www.usembassy.org.uk/cons_web/visa/niv/fee.htm].

Obtain photographs that are acceptable [http://www.usembassy.org.uk/cons_web/visa/niv/photo.htm].

At the interview you may be required to show proof of adequate funds for your trip and course. Also proof that you'll be returning to the UK etc.

I have noticed on the US Embassy website that the following requirement is now in operation:

F-1 and M-1 visa applicants with I-20 forms issued on or after September 1, 2004 will be required to furnish a receipt showing payment of the SEVIS fee. Read more.....

The link under "read more" directs you to:


So I believe you also need to pay an additional fee of $100. Am I correct here?

As above you will need to go to the US Embassy in London for your Visa interview. You will be there for a good few hours, mostly waiting in a queue and sat on a seat waiting for your ticket to be called out.

However if you live in Northern Ireland then you may be able to go to the Consular Office in Belfast, have a look at their website:


Hope this helps.

Charlie Zulu.

7th Oct 2004, 20:24

Many thanks for the VERY informative post, much appreciated.

Charlie Zulu
7th Oct 2004, 21:13
Hi Bose-x,

No problem at all.

If you do find that the $100 SEVIS fee is payable would you be able to let us know?


Hope you have a good trip once you get through the loops and bounds.

Oh and just a quick side note... the "interview" at the Embassy itself lasts for ooh around one to two minutes. No need to get stressed about it at all.

Best wishes,

Charlie Zulu.